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词汇 to stick
例句 I ought to stick around if you are going to be out.如果你要出去,我就得留下。The doctor had to stick a tube down my throat in order to examine my stomach.医生必须把一根管子从我的咽喉往下插作胃部检查。I tended to stick to tried and tested techniques.我倾向于相信经实验证明可行的技术。The miners are determined to stick out until they get their demands.矿工们决定罢工,不满足要求决不罢休。They're going to stick with the same team as last Saturday.他们将继续支持上周六的那支球队。The door has an inclination to stick. 这扇门容易卡住。You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not prepared to stick to it.如果你不打算持之以恒的话,你永远也学不会弹钢琴。You didn't put enough adhesive on for the paper to stick properly.你没有放上足够的黏合剂把纸粘好。I intend to stick to my promise/word.我想要信守我的诺言/坚持我说过的话。You can buy guards for electric sockets that make it impossible for little children to stick their fingers into the holes.你可购买电源插座的保护装置,使小孩的手指插不进孔里去。We've made our decision and now we have to stick to it for better or worse.我们已经做出了决定,无论结果如何我们都要坚持到底。He was asked to stick up for the victims of the earthquake.有人请他为地震灾民捐款。You'll have to stick in if you want to succeed.如果你想成功就要一直努力。It took hours to stick all these photos in my album.把这些照片都贴在相册里花了我好几个小时。Families need to stick together.家人之间需要团结友爱。She asked herself whether or not to stick with her husband.她问自己是否要忠于丈夫。He said that he was going to stick with the traditions established by his grandfather.他说他会继续坚持他爷爷立下的传统。We were able to stick to the main issue without incidental grievances being dragged in.没有了附带扯进去的牢骚话,我们就能够紧扣主题。Can we try, please, to stick to the point - we don't have much time.我们继续谈论正题好吗—我们时间不多了。Why did you have to stick your nose in?你为什么非要插手?Miguel was determined to stick to his decision.米格尔决心坚持自己的决定。It's very rude to stick your tongue out at people.冲人吐舌头很粗鲁。We have to stick to the agreed price.对于已经商定好的价格,我们不能变卦。I have to stick to a low-fat diet.我得坚持吃低脂肪的食物。He was a nice doctor, but a weak man who wasn't going to stick his neck out.他是位为人和蔼的医生,但胆小怕事,不敢冒什么风险。Try to stick in a word about our book.尽量提一下我们那本书。I'm going to stick my neck out with some predictions for the next two years.我冒昧来对今后两年作一个预测。They prefer, in the end, to stick with what they know.他们最终选择了继续做自己熟悉的事。Witnesses were asked to stick to the facts and leave aside all emotion and sentiment.证人被要求忠于事实,不搀杂任何的感情和情绪。It is imperative to stick to your budget.严格按照预算行事是非常重要的。Everyone in the party has a responsibility to stick to the rules agreed by the party conference.党内每个人都有责任遵守党会上制定的规章制度。He was not a good rider but managed to stick on.他不是一个好骑手,不过总算没有摔下来。If you want to succeed, you've got to stick to it! 如果你想要成功,就必须坚持下去。I had to stick on that dirty place for several days more.我还得在那个肮脏的地方再呆几天。He managed to stick out a leg and toe-poke Ramsey's cross into the net.他成功出脚,用脚趾部位把拉姆齐横穿而来的球送入网窝。Her political rivals used the scandal as an opportunity to stick it to her.她的政敌把丑闻当作攻击她的机会。I told him where to stick his crummy job.我跟他说他那下贱的工作还是拉倒吧。It's best to stick to basics when planning such a large party.筹划这么大型的聚会最好着眼于基本的东西。I've stayed at the same company for seven years, and I'd like to stick around for a while longer.我在这家公司待了七年,还想继续待下去。The soldiers went at once to the mound and began to stick their bayonets through it.士兵们马上赶到土丘处,开始用刺刀往里戳。




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