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词汇 to the core
例句 The whole family is rotten to the core.那一家人全坏透了。We want to get to the core of the problem.我们想谈谈这个问题的核心。Students choose from optional subjects in addition to the core curriculum.除了核心课程外,学生们还选择选修课。The villagers are royalist to the core.那些村民是十足的保皇主义者。The gentleman is English to the core.那绅士是个地道的英国人。She had the ability to cut through to the core of a problem.她能一下子就抓住问题的核心。Her family is English to the core.她的家族是十分典型的英裔。He was a bureaucrat to the core.他是个十足的官僚。What she does possess is the ability to get straight to the core of a problem.她确实有直入问题本质的能力。She was shaken to the core by the news.这消息令她十分震惊。The whole government is rotten to the core.整个政府腐败透顶。She's a feminist to the core.她是个十足的女权主义者。He's a Conservative to the core.他是个彻头彻尾的保守分子。When I heard the news, I was shaken to the core.我听到这消息十分震惊。The whole legal system is rotten to the core.整个司法界简直就烂透了。They were shaken to the core. 他们极为震惊。Let's get to the core of the matter.让我们看看事情的核心。She is English to the core.她是地道的英国人。The whole industry is rotten to the core.整个行业都糟糕透了。




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