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词汇 bite
例句 The dog gave the mailman a nasty bite.这条狗将邮差猛咬一口。Will the new security measures bite?新的安全措施会见效吗? This mustard doesn't bite much.这种芥末不是很辣。I really wanted to laugh - I had to bite my lip.我真的想笑——但只能忍住。Will we have time to grab a bite before the show?演出开始之前我们有时间吃点东西填填肚子吗?Don't bite the thumbs at that poor child!不要蔑视那可怜的孩子! Some people bite their nails when they feel nervous.有些人紧张时就咬指甲。It's not often you get a second bite at the cherry.你难得有第二次机会。The spider's bite can cause pain and swelling.蜘蛛叮咬可能会引起肿痛。Do you want to grab a bite to eat, or can you wait until we get home?你要随便吃点东西,还是能等到我们回到家再吃?The figures show that the economic slowdown is beginning to bite.数字表明经济发展速度放缓开始产生不良后果。She took a bite of the apple, chewed and swallowed.她咬了一口苹果,嚼了嚼咽了下去。Just ask her. She won't bite, you know.直接问她。她没什么可怕的,你知道。The dog gave him a nasty bite on the leg.狗在他的腿上猛咬了一口。Tour operators may be forced to bite the bullet and cut prices.旅行社可能无可奈何被迫降价。My leg puffed up all around the insect bite.我腿上被昆虫叮咬的部位肿了起来。I struck it away and got a bite on my forearm.我把它打跑了,但小臂被咬了一口。Let's just grab a quick bite.咱们先赶紧吃点东西吧。We felt the bite of the cold wind on our cheeks.我们感到寒风吹在脸上像针扎般疼痛。Let's grab a bite to eat before we go.我们走之前赶紧吃点什么吧。Don't try to pet the parrot - he could give you a really nasty bite.别去抚弄鹦鹉,它可能会狠狠地咬你一口。As the sanctions begin to bite there will be more political difficulties ahead.随着制裁开始产生严重的负面影响,政治上将面临更多的困难。Goat's cheese adds extra bite to any pasta dish.羊乳奶酪会增加面食的香味。He gulped the chocolate down in one bite.他一口吞下了巧克力。He took a bite of his sandwich.他咬了一口三明治。If I don't do something now, the issue might come back to bite me.如果我现在不采取措施,将来可能会受到这件事的拖累。Chew each mouthful fully before the next bite.将每一口充分咀嚼后,再吃下一口。He took another bite of his apple.他又咬了一口苹果。There was a bite in the air, a smell perhaps of snow.寒气刺骨,似乎有雪的气息。We'll just have to bite the bullet and get on with it.我们只能咬紧牙关,继续做这件事。If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people who bite their nails.要是说有什么事是我不能忍受的,那就是有人啃指甲。My teenage daughter wears a special device at night to correct her bite.我十几岁的女儿每天晚上都戴一种特殊仪器来矫正咬合。Some children will bite and kick when they get angry.有些孩子生气时会又咬又踢。Anthony devoured half his burger in one bite.安东尼一口吃掉了半个汉堡包。I wish you wouldn't bite your nails.我希望你不要咬指甲。The speech was more bark than bite.那篇演讲言词激烈,实则没有什么可怕的。Whenever possible, suggest she talks about it but be aware she may bite your head off for your trouble.找机会建议她谈谈这事儿,但是小心她可能会因为你多事儿而大发雷霆。Will the government's measures bite?政府的措施会见效吗?Watch it! He might bite you.小心!它可能会咬你。His left foot applied pressure to the brake pedal, but there was no bite.他用左脚踩刹车的踏板,可是车没有刹住。




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