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词汇 to sustain
例句 Oxygen is necessary to sustain life on Earth.氧气是维持地球上的生命所必需的。Finance ministers and central bankers agreed to cooperate closely to sustain the strength of the pound.财长和中央银行家同意紧密合作,保持英镑的坚挺。They gave me barely enough food to sustain me.他们给我的食物几乎都不够我活命。It will take deft diplomacy to sustain the fragile momentum.需要灵活的外交技巧才能维持这种脆弱的势头。Mental exercises can help older people to sustain their mental abilities.脑力训练能帮助老年人保持智力。There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.这些人的生活充满了戏剧性,总能让你兴趣盎然。The problem was how to get enough food to sustain life.问题在于如何找到足够的食物维持生命。It would be futile to sustain his life when there is no chance of any improvement.如果没有任何好转的机会,继续维持他的生命也是无益的。A cup of coffee isn't enough to sustain you until lunchtime.一杯咖啡不足以让你支撑到午餐时间。His experiences as a child explain his inability to sustain relationships.他童年的经历可以解释他为何无法维持人际关系。One slice of bread was not going to sustain me for long.只吃一片面包我是撑不了多久的。This argument is difficult to sustain.这个论点难以证明。The boat stranded on the rocks and the boatman had to sustain himself with live fish before rescue came.船在岩石上搁浅,船夫在遇救前只好靠活鱼维持生命。The soil in this part of the world is not rich enough to sustain a large population.这里的土地不够肥沃,无法供养大量的人口。The roof, unable to sustain the weight of all the snow, collapsed.由于无法承受全部积雪的重量,屋顶坍塌了。There is not enough oxygen to sustain life at very high altitudes.在海拔非常高的地方没有足够氧气维持生命。The question is whether we have sufficient resources to sustain an industrial society.问题是我们是否有足够的资源维持一个工业社会。This relationship would be very difficult to sustain.这一关系会难以为继。Europe needs large-scale immigration to sustain its ageing population.欧洲需要大规模的移民来缓解人口的老龄化。He seems to find it difficult to sustain relationships with women.他似乎觉得和女人维持关系并不容易。Their defense markets are too small to sustain economically viable production runs.他们的国防市场太小,就经济可行性而言不足以维持生产。She found it difficult to sustain the children's interest.她发现很难维持孩子们的兴趣。The economy looks set to sustain its growth into next year.看来经济的增长会持续到明年。Such huge weight losses are not easy to sustain.这样大幅的体重减轻是不能持久的。




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