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词汇 bitch
例句 I'm going to beat that son of a bitch if it kills me!无论如何我一定要把那个狗娘养的暴揍一顿!Getting the new tire on was a real son of a bitch.上新轮胎真他妈的费劲。He never tried to bitch me out of anything.他向来不想从我手里骗取任何东西。I am your bitch, use me as you will.我是你的下属,有事请随便吩咐。She should have told the old bitch to kiss off a long time ago.她就早该让那个糟老太婆走开。You didn't do anything to help, don't bitch.你没出什么力,别再叽咕了。That bitch is always quarreling.那个泼妇成天跟人吵架。We've run out of gas? Son of a bitch!我们的车没油了?见鬼!That son of a bitch insulted my family.那个混蛋侮辱了我的家人。That Harriet is a cold-hearted bitch.那个哈丽雅特是个心肠冷酷的婊子。The bitch is carrying her puppies.母狗正身怀小狗。Divorce is a bitch.离婚是一件棘手的事。You stupid bitch!你这个愚蠢的泼妇!We had a good bitch about Steve while he was out.史蒂夫不在的时候我们说了他一通坏话。What low-down son of a bitch took my clothes?哪个狗娘养的混蛋拿走了我的衣服?He would have a bitch of a time finding you there.发现你在那里,他一定会很不愉快。The test turned out to be a real son of a bitch.这次测验最后证明是非常难的。It's going to be one bitch of a campaign.这将是一次艰巨的竞选。I hate that bitch.我恨那个可恶的女人。The silly bitch went and told the police.那个蠢婆娘去报告了警察。My first husband was a no-good, low-down son-of-a-bitch.我的第一个丈夫卑鄙下流,真是个狗娘养的。These milk cartons are a real bitch to open.这些牛奶盒真不好开。He's a filthy lying son of a bitch.他是个狗娘养的下流骗子。That word is a bitch to spell.那个单词很难拼。What's his latest bitch?他最近发了什么牢骚?She called her boyfriend a two-faced son of a bitch.她叫她的男友双面王八蛋。That last shell was a bitch to locate.找到那最后一颗子弹壳可真不容易。He's a mean son of a bitch.他是个可恶的混蛋。I love that silk dress, but it's a bitch to wash.我很喜欢那条真丝裙子,但是洗起来太麻烦了。




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