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词汇 to steal
例句 They forestalled any attempt to steal the jewels by having them moved to a safer place.他们把珠宝转移到了一个较为安全的地方,阻止了任何偷窃珠宝的企图。We forestalled the attempt to steal the jewels by having them removed.我们抢在偷盗珠宝的图谋得逞之前将它们转移了。Sure, it was underhanded to steal his customers, but all's fair in love and war.当然,悄悄拉走了他的顾客是不光彩的,但是情场无父子,战场无兄弟。The impulsion of hunger drove the man to steal.饥饿驱使此人去偷窃。He was driven by necessity to steal.他迫不得已而偷窃。Hunger goaded him on to steal the food.饥饿驱使他前去偷窃食物。She liked to steal when she went shopping in the supermarket.她在超市采购东西时总喜欢偷点什么。He used to steal just for the thrill of it.他以前偷东西只是为了寻求刺激。I didn't mean to steal your thunder, but I just had to tell your mom about your promotion.我并不想抢你风头,只是不得不把你升职的事情告诉你妈妈。It is wrong to steal.偷窃是不应该的。Not only was it wrong of him to steal from the shop, he was setting a very bad example to his younger brother.他在店里盗窃不仅是错误的,而且还给弟弟树立了坏榜样。They dared Ed to steal a bottle of his father's whiskey.他们激埃德去偷他爸爸的一瓶威士忌。I wouldn't put it past him to steal from his own family.我认为他做得出偷自家东西这种事。She used to steal from shops for kicks.她以前经常从商店里偷东西来寻求刺激。He was narked to steal his neighbour's pet.有人告密说,他偷了邻居的宠物。He was afraid another scholar was going to steal a march on him and publish first.他担心另一位学者会抢在他前面发表。In the end he had to steal in order to survive.最后,为了生存,他只得偷东西了。The storeowner watches those teenagers like a hawk whenever they come in because she's afraid they're going to steal something.每当那些十几岁的青少年走进商店,女店主就死死地盯着他们,因为她担心这些人会偷东西。They were driven by poverty and hunger to steal.他们行窃是为贫穷与饥饿所迫。It's wrong to steal and nothing you can say will make it right.偷东西是不对的,你说什么都没有道理。They put up a job to steal the jewels.他们密谋偷窃那些珠宝饰物。They were so poor they had to steal in order to eat.他们非常穷,为了填饱肚子只得去偷。It may be no worse to cheat than to steal.与偷窃相比,欺骗同样不道德。He knew it was wrong to steal, but the money just lying there was too great a temptation.他知道偷盗是不对的,但钱就摆在那儿,对他的诱惑实在太大了。I can't imagine a circumstance in which I would be willing to steal.我无法想象我什么时候会想去偷东西。What tempted Arthur to steal the watch?是什么诱使亚瑟偷这只表的? They had concocted a scheme/plan to steal money from the company.他们策划窃取公司钱财。I don't like to steal away your heart.我并不想博取你的欢心。Thieves are digging up corpses in order to steal jewellery and gold teeth.窃贼们把尸体挖出来以盗取珠宝和金牙。Images of Africa already began to steal upon my brain.非洲的形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。The police caught him trying to steal the painting.他正要偷这幅画时被警察当场发现。They were driven by hunger to steal.他们迫于饥饿而行窃。It's immoral to steal other people's ideas.盗用他人的主意是不道德的。It was thoroughly reprehensible of him to steal from his mother.他偷自己母亲的东西,真是彻底堕落了。Hunger goaded him to steal a loaf of bread.饥饿驱使他偷了一只面包。They plotted to steal the painting.他们密谋盗走那幅画。He accused his younger brother of trying to steal his rightful inheritance.他指责弟弟企图窃取他合法继承的遗产。He was driven by necessity to steal.他为贫困所迫而偷窃。During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.在暴乱中成百上千的人纷纷趁机偷窃财物。He solicited the boy to steal the money.他教唆那个男孩去偷钱。




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