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词汇 to spend
例句 It was obscene to spend millions producing unwanted food.耗资数百万去生产一些不需要的食品,真是令人发指。Chinaski is not going to spend much time mooching in the kitchen.奇纳斯基不想在厨房里消磨太多时间。The money is there for local government to spend on public services.那些钱是供地方政府投入公共服务建设的。The government has promised to spend more on health and education.政府已经承诺增加医疗和教育经费。The beach has positive associations for me as I used to spend my holidays there.这片海滩给我一种美好的联想,因为我曾经常去那儿度假。He was advised to spend time in the warmth and dryness of Italy.有人建议他去暖和而少雨的意大利呆一段时间。Tom quarreled with his parents about how to spend their holidays in China.汤姆与父母对如何在中国度假的问题争论起来。The government has pledged to spend the money in furtherance of its education policy.政府已经保证要把这笔钱用在推进教育政策的发展上。I need to spend less and save more.我必须要少花钱,多储蓄。The couple disputed where to spend the holiday.夫妻俩为上哪儿度假而发生争论。We were allowed to spend the money in any manner we wanted.这些钱我们怎么花都没关系。How do you plan to spend your holiday?你计划怎样度过你的假期?She latched onto me as soon as she arrived, and I had to spend the rest of the evening talking to her.她一来就缠住我,我只好晚上一直陪着她聊天。We have a limited amount of money to spend, and we need to keep that in mind while we're planning our vacation.我们能花的钱有限,做假期计划时必须考虑这一点。A family break allows you to spend precious time together.家庭度假会让你们一起度过宝贵的时光。It was considered impolitic of him to spend too much time with the party radicals.他花太多时间与党内的激进分子在一起,这被认为是不明智的。Try to spend your money wisely.钱要尽量花得明智。Liz was to spend this first day roving across the area.到这儿的第一天,利兹打算四处逛逛。I don't really want to spend Christmas with my family, but I suppose I have to.我其实不想和家里人一起过圣诞,但我想也只能这样。There was no television at the cabin, so—horror of horrors!—we had to spend the evenings reading books and playing board games.船舱里居然没有电视!天哪!我们晚上只能看书和下棋了。She hopes she'll finally get to spend more time working on her garden this year.她希望今年能有更多时间照料她的花园。If he wants to spend all his money on expensive clothes, that's his lookout.要是他想把所有的钱都花在买昂贵的衣服上,那是他自己的事。She doesn't care to spend much time with her relatives.她不喜欢花太多时间跟亲戚们呆在一起。She was going to spend her vacation in Hawaii all by herself.她打算独自去夏威夷度假。We used to spend our holidays in a small French town.我们曾在一个法国小镇里度假。The Republicans are divided among themselves about how to spend the money.共和党内部在这笔钱的使用问题上产生了意见分歧。She had to spend nearly four months away from him that summer, instead of the usual two.那个夏天她被迫离开他将近四个月而不是通常的两个月。The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.相反,私营部门有大量的资金可供支出。We are divided as to where to spend our holidays.关于去哪里度假的问题我们意见有分歧。I'm too busy to spend time digging up information.我太忙了,不能把时间花在搜集信息上。She seemed to spend her life flitting from one country to another.她似乎一生都在各国间辗转。It is normal to spend two or three years working in this country before being posted overseas.在被派往海外之前,在这个国家工作两三年是很正常的。She'll end up penniless if she continues to spend like that.如果她继续这样挥霍,最后会落个不名一文的。I like to spend a little time by myself at weekends.我喜欢周末的时候一个人独处一小段时间。We recoiled at the prospect of having to spend that much money to fix the car.一想到要花那么多钱修车,我们就退缩了。He expects to spend a similar amount on getting his daughter through college.他估计要花上差不多数额的一笔钱让女儿读完大学。The couple seem to spend less and less time together.两口子在一起的时间似乎越来越少。They were condemned to spend the rest of their lives in prison.他们被判终身监禁。My mother used to spend hours haggling with the market traders.我母亲过去会同市场里的商贩讨价还价几个小时。Reading is a pleasant way to spend one's leisure.读书是打发闲暇的悦人消遣。




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