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词汇 to sow
例句 There's still time to sow broad beans for an early crop.还有时间播种早收的蚕豆。The kids need to sow a few wild oats.这些小伙子需要放纵一下。These people are terrorists who want to sow fear and panic among our people.这些人是恐怖分子,他们想在我们的人民中间散播恐惧和惊慌。They have been deliberately attempting to sow discord. 他们一直在故意制造矛盾。Most fellows of your age want to sow their oats.大多数你这个年龄的人想要纵情玩乐。The simplest way to deal with these hardy annuals is to sow them where they are to flower.处理这些一年生耐寒植物最简单的办法是将他们种在能开花的地方。He tried to sow discontent among us.他企图在我们中间散布不满情绪。It's time to sow the winter wheat.该播种冬小麦了。The leadership was trying to sow discord between the two factions.这个领导层正在设法煽动这个派别。




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