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The music was so loud that I had to shout.音乐很响,我只能大声地喊。I wanted to shout out and stop her but she was already gone.我想喊她停下,但她已经走了。I wanted to shout out to Ken, but I didn't want to call attention to myself.我本想大声叫唤肯,但又不想引起别人对我的注意。We had to shout above the noise of the engines.我们不得不大声喊,以盖住发动机的噪音。You don't have to shout, I can hear you!你用不着大喊大叫,我能听见!An older man tried to shout him down.一位年纪稍大的人大声地喊着,想要盖过他的声音。There's no need to shout, I can hear you.没有必要大声喊叫,我完全听得见。She had good cause to shout like that.她那么大声叫喊是有充分理由的。There was so much noise from the engine that we had to shout to hear each other.引擎噪声太吵耳,我们只有大声喊才能听到对方说话。We had to shout over the noise of the traffic.在喧闹的交通噪声中我们不得不大声喊叫。There's no need to shout. I can hear you.没必要大声喊。我听得到。He had to shout to make himself heard above the near gale-force wind.在呼啸的大风中他得大声喊叫才能让别人听见。He started to get aggressive and began to shout.他开始变得气势汹汹,还大声喊叫起来。He almost had to shout to make himself heard above the music.为了压过音乐声,他几乎得大声喊才能让人听见。He wanted to shout from the rooftops when he got the job.他要大声宣布,他获得这份工作了。It took a vast amount of patience not to shout at him.要有极大的耐心才能不对他大喊大叫。The pay increase is nothing to shout about, but it's better than last year's.今年的加薪并不令人满意,但比去年的要好。There's no need to shout at me!没必要朝我大喊大叫!I just had time to shout out and warn them of the danger.我没时间做别的,只能高声警告他们有危险。We had to shout to be heard over the tumult.混乱中我们必须大声叫喊才能让别人听见。It was so noisy that everyone had to shout.周围太吵了,每个人都得大声喊叫才行。Failing your French exam is nothing to shout about.法语考试不及格可不是什么值得张扬的事情。Brenda repressed the urge to shout at him.布伦达克制住了冲他叫骂的冲动。He had to resist the impulse to shout.他不得不抑制住大声叫喊的冲动。He flushed crimson and began to shout angrily at Frank.他脸涨得通红,然后生气地向弗兰克大叫起来。There were scuffles when UDF hecklers began to shout down the speakers.来自联合民主阵线的诘问者开始对演讲者大声起哄时,引发了多次冲突。He had to shout over the racket.他不得不大声喊叫以盖过噪声。Everybody pipe down. There's no need to shout.大家都请安静下来,没有必要嚷嚷。There's no need for you to shout. = There's no need for shouting.你不必大喊大叫。She had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.她只有大声喊叫才能盖过音乐声让别人听到她的声音。There's no need to shout at me.没有必要冲我喊。I wanted to shout it out, let her know what I had overheard.我想大声说出来,让她知道我无意中所听到的一切。He's clearly not afraid to shout about his achievements.很明显,他并不害怕把自己的成就宣扬出去。He was so happy that he wanted to shout it from the housetops.他乐得真想让每一个人都知道这事。I had to shout to make myself heard above the music.我不得不大声呼喊才能使我的声音不会淹没在音乐声中。He opened his mouth to shout, but no sound came out.他张开嘴大喊,却没发出一点儿声音。There were scuffles when hecklers began to shout down the speakers.质问者开始对演讲者大声起哄,引发了多起冲突。I had to shout to make myself heard above the din.由于噪音太大我不得不扯着嗓门说话好让别人听到。I'm so in love I want to shout your name from the rooftops.我太爱你了,真想对整个世界大喊你的名字。Edison invented a more powerful mouthpiece which removed the need to shout into the telephone.爱迪生发明了一种功率较大的话筒,这样就不必对着电话大喊大叫了。 |