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词汇 to settle down
例句 He has given up his freewheeling lifestyle to settle down with his baby daughter.他放弃了自己无拘无束的生活方式,和小女儿安顿下来。It may take another week or so to settle down before we can get back to normal.也许还要一周左右的时间我们才能安顿下来恢复正常。There comes a point in most people's lives when they want to settle down.大多数人在一生中的某个阶段都会想安定下来。She's a traveller at heart. You'll never get her to settle down.她生性喜欢过流浪漂泊的生活,你是不可能让她安定下来的。They refuse to commit, refuse to settle down.他们拒绝作出承诺,拒绝安定下来。Are you ever going to settle down and get married?你打算结婚过安稳的日子吗?The wedding's off - she's decided she's too young to settle down.婚礼取消了——她觉得自己还太年轻,不想这么早就安定下来。You have to settle down to study now.你现在得安下心来学习了。Education remains in a state of flux which will take some time to settle down.教育还处于不断变化中,需要一段时间才能稳定下来。He doesn't want to settle down as a dutiful husband just yet.他现在还不想安心做一个尽职的丈夫。She's had her fling and now she has to settle down.她放纵够了,现在得安顿下来了。She felt she wasn't yet ready to settle down.她觉得自己还没有准备好安顿下来。Becky's not ready to settle down with one man - she enjoys playing the field too much.贝姬不愿意专情于某一个男人——她太喜欢同时和几个人谈情说爱了。Eventually I'd like to settle down and have a family, but not yet.最终我想安定下来生儿育女,但现在还不是时候。One day I'll want to settle down and have a family.总有一天,我会想安定下来,成个家。I tried hard to settle down, but the lure of travel and adventure was too much for me.我极力想使自己安定下来,但是旅行和冒险对我的诱惑太大了。




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