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词汇 逝世
例句 China mourned the loss of a great leader.中国悼念一位伟大领袖的逝世The Queen died and was succeeded by James I.女王逝世后,詹姆斯一世继位。The death of the King caused political upheaval in the country.国王逝世造成政局的动荡。Thousands of people mourned his death/passing.成千上万的人哀悼他的去世/逝世The whole world mourned his death.举世哀悼他的逝世Two weeks after the death of Pope John Paul, the cardinals met to elect his successor.约翰·保罗教皇逝世两个星期以后,红衣主教们聚集起来选举他的继任人。The entire nation mourned her death.举国上下都对她的逝世表示哀悼。His father died the year he was born.他父亲在他出生那年逝世When Churchill died, the whole nation went into mourning.丘吉尔逝世,举国哀悼。His death has naturally come as a shock to us all.他的逝世对我们所有人当然都是个打击。The shock of her father's death made her ill.父亲逝世的巨大打击使她得了病。Her death marks the end of an era.她的逝世标志着一个时代的结束。The business world is a duller place for his passing.他的逝世给商界蒙上了一层灰暗。Her heart bled at her friend's death.她为友人的逝世而心碎。People around the world mourned his death.世界各地的人们都哀悼他的逝世Bells were tolled all over the country at the President's death.全国为总统逝世而鸣钟。The country was stunned to learn of the death of the president.听到总统逝世的消息,全国为之震惊。The old man expired at the age of eighty.老人于八十岁时逝世With the death of its founder, the campaign lost much of its impetus.这项运动因为创始人逝世而势头大减。He expressed regret over the death of your father.他对你父亲的逝世表示哀悼。The dead tycoon's sons will remain in their plush offices overseeing the death throes of the family empire.大亨逝世后,他的儿子们仍然守在奢华的办公室里,俯瞰着家族帝国的最后挣扎。I regret his death.我对他的逝世痛惜不已。Before his death, however, he was reconciled with those tending his legacy.然而,在他逝世之前,他非常顺从于照料他的遗产的那些人。They were contracted before her father's death.他们在女方父亲逝世前订了婚。I sublimated my grief at the death of my mother by throwing myself into my work.我把对母亲逝世的悲伤转化为对工作的全身心投入。Fortunately, India quickly returned to calm after Mrs Gandhi's death.所幸的是,甘地夫人逝世以后,印度很快就恢复了平静。A memorial to her was erected after her death.逝世后为她竖立了一座纪念碑。Millions of people are grieving over his death.数以百万计的人为他的逝世而悲伤。The exhibit will close on the 100th anniversary of the artist's death.展览会将在这位艺术家逝世一百周年纪念日当天闭馆。We were desolated to hear the news of her death.听到她逝世的消息,我们感到难过。The entire city is mourning his death.全城都在为他的逝世哀悼。They held celebrations to mark the anniversary of Mozart's death.他们为莫扎特逝世举办周年纪念活动。We had wept over the death of our parents.我们为父母的逝世而流泪。When a famous citizen died, he was commemorated by a statue or a plaque.名人逝世后,人们用塑像或牌匾来纪念他。She died in the very room.她就是在这个房间里逝世的。




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