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词汇 to run
例句 Watermelons are beginning to run.西瓜开始在长瓜蔓。The roof started to fall down and they started to run for it.屋顶眼看要塌下来,他们赶紧逃命。She's training hard and raring to run in the marathon.她刻苦训练,渴望参加马拉松赛。Anna is far too shambolic to be able to run a business.安娜做事太缺乏头绪,经营不了公司。The director wants to run through the whole play this morning.导演想要在今天上午排演整部剧。Do you know how to run this sort of machinery?你会操作这种机器吗?I wouldn't want him to run away with the impression that I don't care.我不想给他留下我不在乎的印象。The cut on his knee reopened when he tried to run.他试着跑步时,膝盖的伤口又裂开了。Ralph started to run.拉尔夫跑了起来。When several people began to run the contagion spread and soon everybody was running.几个人一跑,影响就传播开了,顿时大家都奔跑起来。The senator has announced his intention to run for the presidency.这位参议员宣布了自己竞选总统的打算。Tony blocked Tom, allowing Jack to run for the touchdown.托尼阻挡汤姆,让杰克攻入对方端区持球触地得分。Ask a friend to run through a mock interview with you.让朋友和你模拟一次面试。She was also warned it was unsafe to run early in the morning in the neighbourhood.她还被告诫大清早在附近跑步是不安全的。Before a patient does an electrocardiogram, the doctors usually tell him to run two stairs.在做心电图之前,医生通常会叫病人爬两层楼梯。You have to run the tap a long time before the hot water comes.龙头要开很长时间才出热水。The Editor decided not to run the story until all the facts were known.主编决定待一切水落石出之后再作报道。I somehow got it into my head to run for public office.我突发奇想要去竞选公职。She was warned it was unsafe to run early in the morning in the neighbourhood.人们告诫她说,大清早在附近跑步不安全。The fact that Brown has decided to run for reelection comes as no great surprise.人们对布朗决定竞选连任并没有大感意外。They were unable to run the telephone network economically.他们未能经济地运行电话网络。It is economical to run and ecologically sound.跑步不仅省钱而且环保。I have a few errands to run.我有些差事要办。I was late and had to run for my train.我晚了,只得跑着赶火车了。He had a tendency to run off at the mouth and come up with some pretty outlandish ideas.他总是喋喋不休,并时常冒出一些稀奇古怪的想法。The Yellow River is beginning to run dry.黄河正在开始变得干涸。Martin wanted to run, but he was rooted to the spot.马丁想要跑,但是吓得动弹不了了。Level of education is actually a poor indicator of ability to run a business well.受教育程度实际上并不能表明经营企业的能力。I'm not likely to run out of money, but all the same, I'm careful.我不大可能会没有钱用,尽管如此,我还是很小心。Political insiders say that she is planning to run for president.政坛内部人士说她正计划竞选总统。She subdued the urge to run after him.她克制住了去追他的冲动。Her knee makes it impossible to run, but she still walks a great deal.她膝部不好,跑不起来,但她还是走很多路。Less power is required to run this kind of motor.开动这种电机比较省电。We're all ambitious - it seems to run in the family.我们一家人都很有抱负——好像是遗传。There was nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.无处可藏,也无处可逃。His mind seemed to run monotonously on women.他心里似乎一味只想女人。Developers want to run a road right through his farm.开发商想修一条路直穿他的农场。He always tried to run away from responsibilities when an accident happened.出了事故他总是设法逃避责任。He attracted a group of go-go staffers to run his election.他吸引了一群精力充沛,充满干劲的人员助选。Asking a private company to run the prison for profit sounds like a recipe for disaster.请一家私营公司以营利为目的来经营监狱,这听上去就不会有什么好结果。




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