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词汇 adapt for
例句 The novel was adapted for the screen.这本小说被改编成电影。Giraffes are well adapted for reaching up, awkwardly built for reaching down.长颈鹿很善于伸头上仰,而不善于低头下俯。The camel's feet, well adapted for dry sand, are useless on mud.骆驼的蹄子虽然非常适合于在干沙上行走,碰到泥泞时却无计可施。The materials in the book can be adapted for use with older children.这本书的素材可以改编一下,给大一点的孩子看。This book is adapted for beginners.本书经过改写以适合初学者。Novels are often adapted for the stage.小说常常改编为戏剧。His novel was adapted for television.他的小说被改编成了电视剧。The new Sidney Shelton novel is to be adapted for film later in the year.西德尼·谢尔顿的新小说年内将被改编成电影。Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television.许多小孩子都是在书被改编成电视剧之后才去买的。This place is adapted for the residence of the sick.这地方宜于病人居住。The restaurant serves Korean food adapted for the American palate.这家餐馆提供符合美国人口味的韩国菜。Difficult books are sometimes adapted for use in schools.艰深的书有时经改写供中小学用。The library was adapted for use as an office.图书室改造成了办公室。These teaching materials can be adapted for older children.这些教材可以修改一下给大一点的孩子用。The bird's feet are perfectly adapted for swimming.这种鸟的脚蹼极适于游泳。The camera has been adapted for underwater use.这台相机已经经过了改装以适应水下工作。The camel's feet, well adapted for dry sand, are useless on mud.骆驼的蹄子虽然很适合在干沙上行走,但在泥里却毫无用处。Many city vehicles have been adapted for use as school buses.许多城市车辆已改为校车。The television show was adapted for the big screen. 这个电视节目被改编成了电影。My novel 'The Rector's Wife' is being adapted for TV, with Lindsay Duncan in the title role.我的小说《教区长的妻子》正被改编成电视剧,由林赛·邓肯饰片名主角。




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