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词汇 to risk
例句 We don't want to risk the possibility of losing all our money.我们不想冒失去所有钱的风险。To go out after curfew was to risk death.宵禁后出门是去冒丧命的危险。Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。The non-drinking, non smoking model should do nothing to risk her reputation.那名烟酒不沾的模特儿不应做任何对自己名声不利的事情。He was allergic to risk.他厌恶冒险。They were willing to risk losing their jobs.他们愿冒失业的危险。He's prepared to risk everything to avoid this war.他准备不惜一切来避免这场战争。The group is planning to risk everything to get their next venture off the ground.为了使下一个风险项目顺利开展,该集团打算把公司的一切都押作赌注。It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.是金钱驱使这些渔民驾着破旧小船冒险出海远航。It's not wise to risk traveling so soon after surgery.手术后没多久就冒险旅行是不明智的。The disarmament talks failed because neither side was prepared to risk taking the initiative.裁军谈判告吹,因为双方都不愿意冒险采取主动。The captain was not willing to risk taking his ship through the straits in such bad weather.船长不愿意在这样恶劣的天气里冒险将船驶过海峡。I decided to risk looking for a place to stay when I got there, rather than booking in advance.我决定到那里后碰运气找住处,而不是预订房间。I'm not willing to risk getting lost. I'm going to buy a map.我不愿冒迷路的风险。我打算买张地图。He would prefer not to risk another embarrassing defeat.他可不想冒再次失败丢人现眼的风险。Road conditions were supposed to be pretty bad, but we decided to risk it.据说路况很糟,但我们决心冒险。Japan seemed unlikely to risk military confrontation with Russia.日本似乎不大可能冒险去和俄罗斯发生军事冲突。Some have decided to risk social ostracism and stay on the wrong side of town.有些人已经决定冒着被社会孤立的风险,待在镇上的贫民区。Some people are prepared to risk imprisonment for what they believe.有些人为了信仰甘冒牢狱之险。You'd have to be crazy to risk your money on an investment like that.你肯定是疯了才会冒险拿钱作那样的投资。Pender decided to risk embarrassment and seek help.彭达决定寻求帮助,顾不上尴尬不尴尬了。I'm not going to risk my neck playing rugby with you!我才不会玩儿命跟你打橄榄球呢!He didn't want to risk the chance of being discovered.他不想去冒被发现的风险。He was prepared to risk everything in order to achieve his ambition.为实现他的雄心壮志他愿意冒任何危险。Robson was trying to be as diplomatic as possible - he didn't want to risk losing a promotion.罗布森说话办事尽量圆滑—他不想冒险失去升职的机会。I don't want to risk offending your parents.我可不愿意冒险得罪你父母。It seemed like the wrong time in my life to risk making yet another major change.那似乎是我一生中又一次在错误的时候冒险作出重大改变。You don't need to be a smoker or a drinker to risk heart disease.并不是只有抽烟喝酒的人才会犯心脏病。Some athletes are prepared to risk their health to win a medal.有些运动员已做好准备用健康去换取奖牌。It is foolish to risk skin cancer.冒患上皮肤癌的风险是愚蠢的。You must be stark raving mad to risk your money like that!你那样拿钱冒险,真是疯到家了!Has he taken the measure of us and concluded that we're not willing to risk a life?.他有没有掂掂我们的分量,知道我们并不愿冒生命危险?I knew I would be in trouble if I was found out, but I decided to risk it anyway.我知道如果被发现就麻烦了,但无论如何我决定冒这个险。You can't possibly ask them to risk their lives.你不可能叫他们去冒生命危险。He would be very foolish to risk a confrontation with Robert.他要是冒着与罗伯特对抗的危险,那可就太傻了。We should stop for more gas. We probably have enough, but I don't want to risk it. 我们应该停车加油。我们的油大概也够用,但我不想冒这个险。Banks will seek to minimize their exposure to risk.银行会试图将他们面临的风险最小化。I decided not to risk a second close encounter with the snakes.我决定不再冒第二次遇到蛇的风险了。In an absorbing book about how she learned to fly, Diane Ackerman tells why she chooses to risk her life.黛安娜·阿克曼在一本关于她如何学会飞行的引人入胜的书中,讲述了她为何选择了拿自己的生命去冒险。The relationship was too important to risk rushing his fences.这一关系太重要了,他不能鲁莽行事。




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