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词汇 to rise
例句 He made as though to rise and conclude the interview.他作出好像要站起来结束采访的样子。The cost of housing continued to rise.住房费用持续增长。The stock market has continued to rise, except for a slight hiccup earlier this month.股市不断上涨,除了在本月早些时候有点儿小变化。If prices continue to rise, we shall have to draw in our spending even further.如果物价继续上涨,我们将不得不进一步紧缩开支。Voices of dissent began to rise against the bomb.反对核武器的声音开始响起来了。People in the know say that interest rates will have to rise again soon.知情人士说,利率将很快再次上升。Allow the loaves to rise until just about double in size.让面包发酵到刚好是原来的两倍左右。Mary made to rise but I put a restraining hand on her shoulder.玛丽要站起来,但我用手按在她肩上,制止了她。Whitney started to rise from his kneel.惠特尼开始从跪姿起身站起来了。It tells the story of an aspiring young man's attempt to rise above the squalor of the street.它讲述了一个有抱负的穷小子努力出人头地的故事。The country could face an energy crisis if demand continues to rise.如果能源需求继续增加,这个国家可能会面临能源危机。The good economic news caused share prices to rise smartly this afternoon.这条经济方面的好消息使得今天下午的股票价格猛涨。According to a senior currency dealer, the pound is likely to continue to rise against the dollar.根据一位资深货币交易商说,英镑兑美元的汇价有可能继续上升。The banks have issued a warning that charges are likely to rise sharply.各银行已发布通知说收费可能会大幅增长。The number of people killed in the explosion is likely to rise still higher.爆炸中丧生者的人数有可能还会增加。He expects the unemployment figures to rise even higher in coming months.他预计失业人数会在今后几个月里进一步攀升。Prices are, I apprehend, inclined to rise.依我看,价格有上涨趋势。It is dangerous to assume that share prices will continue to rise.假设股价将持续上升是很危险的。Jane's irrational hopes began to rise as she listened to him.简听着他的话,心中燃起了不理智的希望。Leave the dough to rise.让面团发酵。The price of petrol is likely to rise again this year.今年汽油价格可能再次上涨。Employment levels are unlikely to rise significantly before the end of next year.在明年年底之前就业率很难有大幅度上升。Heavy rainfall has caused the water table to rise.强降雨导致地下水位上升。We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession.在此经济萧条时期,我们容许增加消费和借贷。Senator O'Brien just smiled, refusing to rise to the bait.奥布赖恩参议员只是笑了笑,没有中计发火。We need to rise above our anger/frustration and find a way to get along with each other.我们需要摆脱愤怒/沮丧情绪,找到一个彼此和睦相处的方法。Their behaviour may seem insulting, but it's important not to rise to the bait and get cross.他们的行为看起来可能很无礼,但千万不要上当生气。Fear caused his hair to rise.恐惧使他的毛发竖立起来。The price of crude oil is expected to rise.原油价格预计会上涨。Some admit privately that unemployment could continue to rise.一些人私下承认失业率可能继续升高。The level of the lake continues to rise.湖泊水位继续上升。The level of the lake continues to rise.该湖的水平面在持续上升。Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy.早睡早起使人健康。His temperature continued to rise.他的体温持续升高。Salaries will continue to rise in line with inflation.工资将会随着通货膨胀而持续增加。He had the ability to rise above the crowd in everything he did.他无论干什么都能表现出自己胜人一筹。He struggled to rise with his chest near to bursting from want of air.他挣扎着要起来,由于透不过气来,胸口几乎要炸了。Leave the dough somewhere warm to rise.把面团放在温暖的地方发酵。They shrewdly invested in copper just as the price started to rise.就在铜价开始上涨时,他们精明地把钱投资到铜上。If river levels continue to rise, it will have very serious consequences for many people's homes.如果河水水位继续上涨,将会给许多人的家园带来严重后果。




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