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词汇 to put up
例句 They are likely to put up interest rates again this year.今年他们有可能会再次上调利率。His wife must have been a saint to put up with him for all those years.他妻子容忍了他那么多年,一定是个圣人。You've complained long enough. It's time to put up or shut up.你已经抱怨得够多的了。要么行动要么闭嘴。They're going to put up the duty on tobacco.他们将提高烟草税。There seems no alternative but to put up with it.除了忍耐似乎别无选择。It's time to put up your toys and get ready for bed.是时候把你的玩具收起来、准备上床睡觉了。They didn't have the least idea about how to put up a tent.他们完全不知道怎样搭帐篷。She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping.她心情不好,受不了布兰奇的吹毛求疵。They have to put up with a giant oil refinery right on their doorstep.他们不得不忍受就在家门口的巨型炼油厂。Companies have every incentive to put up prices.各公司都有充足的理由涨价。I'm not going to put up with it any longer.我不会再容忍这个了。We had to put up with loud noise and constant interference from the neighbors.我们不得不忍受邻居们嘈杂的噪声和无休止的打扰。The children were on holiday, enjoying a lifestyle worlds apart from the one they had to put up with at home.孩子们在度假,那与他们在家里时不得不忍受的生活方式完全不一样。They decided not to put up the money for her bail.他们决定不出钱保释她。She has learned to put up with the constant roar of trucks and cars whizzing by.她已经学会忍受持续不断的卡车的轰鸣以及汽车的嗖嗖声。A friend is going to put up shelves and partition off the kitchen.一个朋友打算立一些架子把厨房分隔开。I think there is a limit to how much of this nonsense people are going to put up with.我想人们对这种胡闹总有一个承受极限。It shows much long-suffering in you to put up with him.你能容忍他,这表明你很有长期忍耐精神。She soon learned how to put up her own shelves.她很快就学会了自己搭架子。Several of the banks have decided to put up their interest rates.好几家银行都决定提高利率。Rising fuel costs have forced many airlines to put up the price of air tickets.不断上涨的燃料价格已迫使许多航空公司提高了机票价。It's a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks.令人气愤的是,警察不得不忍受这些无知的批评。We had to put up with delays and other irritations.我们不得不忍受延误和其他恼人的事。She needs to put up big numbers in today's game.在今天的比赛中,她要多得分才行。She had to put up with a lot of ribbing when she had her hair permed.她烫了头发后不得不忍受许多人的取笑。He was unwilling to put up with her petty insolences.他不愿忍受她那些无聊的傲慢言行。We're going to put up a new fence around our garden.我们打算在我们的花园周围建一圈新篱笆。We thought it would only take a few minutes to put up the tent but by the time we were through it was dark.我们以为搭帐篷几分钟时间就够了,可我们搭好时天都已经黑了。We want to put up an art display at the end of the year to show off the students’ work.我们想在年末办一次画展,把学生的作品贴出来给大家欣赏。They papered over their disagreements in order to convince the investors to put up the money.为了使投资者相信并投资,他们掩盖了分歧。Coal workers are determined to put up a fight to save their jobs.煤炭工人为了保住他们的工作,决心进行斗争。Hunters use dogs to put up birds.猎人用狗把鸟赶出隐蔽处。He was such an angel to put up with it.他这都能忍,真是个大好人。Smoke detectors are cheap and easy to put up.烟雾报警器价格便宜,容易安装。The kind of treatment that you have to put up with as a new army recruit is pretty horrible.作为新兵所要忍受的那种对待非常可怕。You see what I have to put up with - the kids never stop arguing.你看我都得忍受些什么—小孩子吵个不停。He was not in the mood to put up with any nonsense from his little brother.他当时没心情容忍他小弟的任何愚蠢行为。The neighbours submitted a petition asking the town to put up traffic lights near the school.邻居们正式请求市里在学校附近设置红绿灯。The storm heightens, we have to put up at this village for the night.暴风雪更大了,我们今晚得在这个小村中投宿了。He managed to persuade his friend to put up the money for the venture.他说服了朋友为这个风险项目投资。




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