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词汇 to provide for
例句 She was not well paid and found it difficult to provide for her family.她的薪水不高,很难养家糊口。He has a large family to provide for.他有一大家子人要养。I'm sure that I shall be well able to provide for my wife and family.我确信我将完全能养活我的妻儿老小。He thinks there's great shame in being out of work and unable to provide for his family.他认为没有工作、无法养活家人是一件很丢脸的事情。When she was unemployed it was very difficult to provide for her children.她失业期间,很难维持孩子的生计。He made his will to provide for equal lots for all his children.他立下遗嘱把财产平分给儿女们。He tried to earn more money to provide for a large family.他设法多挣钱以供养一个子女众多的家。A life insurance policy enables you to provide for your family after your death.一份人寿保险能够使你在死后继续有钱养活家人。Hong Kong was having to provide for a growing number of refugees.香港当时不得不收容越来越多的难民。It's hard to make enough money to provide for such a large family.要挣到足够的钱来养活这一大家子是很难的。She stretched herself to provide for the family.她拼命工作来养家糊口。The film is about a maintenance man who juggles three jobs to provide for his family.这部影片讲的是一名维修技工为了养家糊口而同时打三份工的故事。We have to provide for possible accidents.我们要为可能发生的意外作些准备。A declining workforce has to provide for an increasing number of retired people.逐渐减少的劳动人口不得不供养越来越多的退休人员。He has a wife and two young children to provide for.他要养活妻子和两个小孩。He has two children to provide for.他有两个孩子要抚养。They agreed to provide for the child's education.他们同意提供孩子的教育费。He was desperate for work to provide for a large family.他渴望有个工作,挣钱供养子女众多的家。He worked hard to provide for his old age.他努力工作为养老预作准备。Parents are expected to provide for their children.父母理应抚养子女。Make it your duty to provide for your children's future.为孩子的将来未雨绸缪是父母不可推卸的责任。




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