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词汇 to play with
例句 With encouragement, Sally is starting to play with the other children.萨莉得到了鼓励,开始和其他孩子玩起来。It's wrong for a man to play with a woman's affections.男人玩弄女人的情感是错误的。You already have lots of toys to play with.你已经有很多玩具可以玩了。She skipped off to play with her friends.她蹦蹦跳跳地跑去和朋友们玩。She needs a friend of her own age to play with.她需要一个同龄人一起玩。I had to go down on the floor to play with the baby.我得蹲在地板上和婴儿玩。The magazine drew a stinging rebuke from the police, saying it would only encourage children to play with drugs.该杂志受到警方尖刻的指责,说那样只会鼓励儿童尝试吸毒。An only child often creates an imaginary friend to play with.独生子女常常会虚构出一个朋友跟他一起玩。The professor would turn aside from his studies to play with his little grandson.这位教授常常放下手头的学术研究去跟小孙子玩。I've told you time and time again not to play with matches - it's dangerous.我一次又一次地告诉过你不要玩火柴—那是很危险的。She was thrilled at the idea of having her very own toys to play with.想到有完全属于自己的玩具可以玩,她非常兴奋。Don't worry at your mother to play with you.别老缠着你妈妈跟你玩。Kids need friends of their own age to play with.小孩子需要和同龄的朋友一起玩。I love to play with marbles.我喜欢玩玻璃弹珠。I want to have Danielle over to play with me.我想请丹妮尔来和我一起玩。There weren't any other children for us to play with.没有其他的孩子和我们一起玩耍。He needs a party of jolly boys to play with.他需要与一群快活的男孩一起玩。Some news mediacrats continue to play with the news.一些媒体领袖继续玩弄新闻。The budget is very tight, so there isn't much money to play with.经费很紧,没有很多钱可用。My children have no one to play with.没有人跟我的孩子一起玩。The boys may refuse to play with the girls, and vice versa.男孩可能拒绝和女孩玩耍,反之亦然。It's important to teach your children not to play with guns/fire/matches.要教育你的孩子不要玩枪/玩火/玩火柴,这很重要。You stupid boy! I've told you not to play with matches!你这笨孩子!我叫你不要玩火柴的!She loved to play with her young charges at the day-care center.她喜欢跟那些日托中心的孩子们嬉戏。His parents were religious fanatics who didn't allow him to play with other children.他的父母是狂热的宗教信徒,不允许他和其他孩子一起玩。The young girl loved to play with her playmates.这个小女孩喜欢和她的伙伴一起玩。




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