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词汇 to photograph
例句 She disregarded these warnings and determined on discovering how to photograph as anonymously as possible.她不顾警告,决心找到尽可能以匿名方式摄影的办法。She went to Africa to photograph big cats.她去非洲拍摄大型猫科动物。All the newspapers wanted to do was to photograph the police officers tangling with the demonstrators.各家报纸最想做的就是把警察和示威者发生冲突的场面拍下来。Do you need a permit to photograph on the Acropolis?在雅典卫城上拍照需要许可证吗? He will attempt to photograph the rare bird.他将尽力把那种罕见的鸟拍摄下来。A mob of journalists are queuing up at the gate to photograph him.一群新闻记者在门口排起长队,等着给他拍照。We should be glad to photograph the house and its grounds.我们很乐意为这所房子及其庭院拍照。He'd like to go on safari to photograph snakes and tigers.他想进行一次观兽旅行,拍摄一些蛇类和老虎的照片。You will need a fast shutter speed to photograph racing.拍赛跑照片需要较高的快门速度。




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