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词汇 to perform
例句 He was unable to perform his assigned duties because of ill health.因为健康不佳,他无法完成指派的任务。Shakira has scrapped plans to perform in Lebanon.夏奇拉已经取消了在黎巴嫩演出的计划。Any actor will tell you that it is easier to perform than to be themselves.每一个演员都会告诉你演戏比做自己容易。By issuing simple voice commands, you can get the computer to perform most functions.通过发出简单的语音指令,你就可以使计算机执行大多数的功能。It's a great coup to get Bjork to perform here.能请到比约克来这里演出是惊人的成功之举。Plans are in hand to perform 'Oz' next semester.下学期演出《绿野仙踪》的事宜目前正在筹划中。It is no mean feat to perform such a difficult piece.演奏这么难的乐章可不是一般的成就。The experiments would be too risky to perform on humans.在人身上做这些实验太危险了。You can't expect me to perform miracles. 你不能指望我创造奇迹。They were due to perform a duet last year but fell out during rehearsals.去年他们原本打算表演二重唱,但在排练中闹翻了。Then he nodded courteously to me and walked off to perform his unpleasant duty.然后他礼貌地向我点了点头,便走开去干他那乏味的工作了。After her recent successes in Tokyo and New York, Bjork has returned to perform in England.比约克近期在东京和纽约取得成功之后,又回到了英格兰演出。Some nurses wanted the right to refuse to perform abortions.一些护士要求享有拒绝为人做人工流产的权利。Mr Ashkenazy has informed us that he will be unable to honour his contract to perform the piano recital.阿什克纳齐先生已通知我们,他将无法履行钢琴独奏演出合同。Irene is so incredibly musical and has a natural instinct to perform.艾琳具有极高的音乐天赋和天生的表演才能。Children can use the magnet to perform many simple experiments.儿童可以用磁铁来做许多简单的实验。The council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.委员会不得不靠极少的预算创造了奇迹。He is going to perform magic at the party.他将在晚会上表演魔术。At Christmas it was customary for the children to perform bits of poetry.圣诞节孩子们总要唱一些圣诞颂歌。She was asked to perform the song cold.她毫无准备就被叫去演奏那首曲子。At the first matinee, Kate found it impossible to perform the number properly.在首场日戏中,凯特感到不可能发挥出正常的演出水平。They clapped together a stage so that they could have somewhere to perform.他们匆忙搭起一个舞台,以便有地方演出。It was a gala night at the opera; all the stars were going to perform, and the audience wore their finest clothes.当夜剧院里一片喜庆气氛;明星们个个都将登台表演,观众们人人身穿盛装。The opportunity to perform a favourite song soon enabled him to overcome his uncertainties.因为有机会演唱最喜爱的歌曲,他很快克服了自己的忐忑心理。They felt continual pressure to perform well.他们不断感受到压力,促使他们好好表演。He has been unable to perform his duties since the accident.事故后,他无法履行职责。The government permits off-hour craftsmen and the unemployed to perform repairs.政府允许空闲的工匠和失业的人干修理工作。They promised to perform our request.他们承诺满足我们的请求。And now I have a very pleasant duty to perform. I am going to present the prizes to the winning competitors.现在我要履行一项非常愉快的职责,给获奖选手颁奖。It would probably be unethical to perform such experiments on humans.在人身上做这样的实验可能是不道德的。The prince is no longer able to perform his duties.王子无法再履行职责。The orchestra is to perform its last ever concert/last concert ever tomorrow night at the Albert Hall.管弦乐队将于明晚在艾伯特音乐厅举行最后一次演出。It is a universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.我们在工作中越往上晋升,那些最初的工作技能就用得越少,这是明摆着的普遍事实。The new system deputizes the nurses to perform some of the doctors' duties.新体制授权护士履行医生的某些职责。Her calm reaction to the crisis speaks well for her ability to perform under pressure.她在危机中冷静的反应表明她有良好的抗压能力。He was the first blues musician to perform there.他是第一个在那里表演的蓝调音乐家。Schools in the district continue to perform badly.该区的学校仍然办得很差。In the Orient, one of the chief reasons for desiring children is that there may be someone whose duty it is to perform the burial rites.在东方,想要孩子的主要原因之一是可以有个人能承担操办葬礼的责任。The band had to perform without benefit of a rehearsal.乐队不得不在未经彩排的情况下上台演出。A potential disadvantage of this method is that it requires considerable expertise to perform it accurately.这种方法的一个潜在劣势在于需要大量专业知识才能精确地执行。




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