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词汇 to pay off
例句 It would take him the rest of his life to pay off that loan.他得用余生来还清那笔贷款。The farmer will have to refinance his loans or dispose of some assets to pay off loans.那农场主将不得不为清偿债款而再筹措信贷,要不就得变卖若干资产以清偿债款。He had struggled to pay off creditors but couldn't fend them off any longer.他曾想方设法还债主的钱,但却再也躲不过他们了。They had to dump most of their stock to pay off their debts.他们不得不抛售大部分股票来偿还债务。He had to borrow money to pay off his gambling debts.他不得不借钱偿还赌债。The money we won made it possible for us to pay off all our debts and make a new start.我们中奖得来的钱让我们偿还了所有的债务,并开始新的生活。He had to realize all his assets to pay off his debts.他不得不变卖所有的资产来还债。He is trying to pay off gambling debts.他正在努力还清赌债。Debtor countries cannot develop to their full potential while continuing to pay off such massive foreign debts.债务国在不断偿还巨额外债的同时,不可能充分发挥潜力发展经济。Robin decided to remortgage his house to pay off his debts.罗宾决定将他的房子进行再抵押来清偿债务。He needs cash to pay off his creditors.他需要现金来还钱给债主。I had to make inroads into my savings to pay off the loan.我不得不开始拿出积蓄来偿还贷款。If I had to pay off that debt, I’d be sunk.如果我得付清那些债务,那我就麻烦大了。They hope to pay off the mortgage on their home soon.他们希望不久就能付清他们的房屋按揭。She was struggling to pay off her mortgage arrears.她正努力偿清她的按揭欠款。We put a lot of hard work into local initiatives, and that's really starting to pay off now.我们为当地的这些倡议付出了很大的努力,现在开始真的有回报了。Thankfully, I managed to pay off all my debts before we got married.幸好,在我们结婚前我设法还清了所有债务。If I won the money, I'd use it to pay off all my credit cards.如果赢了钱,我将用来还清所有的信用卡花费。They used the inheritance to pay off their outstanding loan.他们用继承的遗产偿还了剩余贷款。He's been trying to pay off the arrears on his mortgage.他一直在努力还清他的抵押贷款。The contents of the house were auctioned to pay off the family's debts.家中物品被拍卖掉用来清偿家里的债务。It is far better to pay off old debts steadily by living within your means.最好量入为出,逐步还清旧账。He had enough money to pay off his outstanding debts.他有足够的钱偿还拖欠的债务。She used her lottery winnings to pay off her outstanding debts.她用彩票奖金偿还欠债。He used the cash to pay off personal debts.他用这笔现金清偿了私人债务。He tried to pay off a police officer.他试图买通一位警官。It took us three years to pay off all our debts.我们花了三年的时间才偿清所有的债务。We should be able to pay off the debt within two years.我们应该能在两年内还清债务。It took me five years to pay off the car, but I never missed a payment.我用了五年时间才还清这辆车的贷款,但我一笔款项都没有欠过。It'll take months to pay off all your debts.还清你的债务需要好几个月的时间。Kramer said that he turned to crime in a bid to pay off his debts.克雷默说他走上犯罪之路是为了努力还债。




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