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We painted our table to match the window frame.我们把桌子刷成与窗框相配的颜色。The government has promised to match the money raised by the charity pound for pound.政府承诺过,无论慈善机构筹集到多少金钱,都会投入同等金额。We have to match up the right pet with the right owner.我们必须给每个宠物配上合适的主人。The car has a record of reliability that's hard to match.这辆车的可靠性无与伦比。Maybe you could dye that skirt to match your blouse.也许你可以给那条裙子染色,使之与你的衬衫相配。Employees face dismissal if they fail to match up to the standards set by the company.雇员如果达不到公司规定的标准就会被解雇。The wall has been painted to match the finish of the original.墙壁粉刷得和原先的外观很相配。We painted the cabinets green to match the rug.我们把柜子刷成绿色,和地毯相配。The cream and pink quilt was made to match the decor.淡黄和粉红相间的被褥是为了与装饰格调相配。You have to match up the inventor to the invention.你必须把发明人和发明对应起来。She was dressed in a yellow sari with yellow shoes to match.她身穿黄色的莎丽,脚踏黄色的鞋子与其搭配。He's trying to match or exceed last year's sales.他正努力赶超去年的销量。We painted our table to match the window frame in the bedroom.我们把桌子刷成与卧室窗框一致的颜色。I had to match hope with reality.我得使自己的愿望更贴近现实。When buying make-up, choose the right shade to match your skin.购买化妆品时;要选择适合自己皮肤的色调。Choose a savings account to match your individual needs.选择一种储蓄账户来满足您的个人需求。Dating agencies try to match people with similar personalities and common interests.婚姻介绍所努力介绍个性相近、志趣相投的人认识。Whatever your colour scheme, there's a fabric to match.无论什么样的色彩图案,都有与之相配的织物。These suits have designer names and a price ticket to match.这些西服牌子响当当,价格也不菲。You have to match the tongues and grooves carefully.你必须小心地将榫和槽组装起来。He could never hope to match his brother's success.他别指望取得与他哥哥一样的成功。My mother spent her life trying to match me up with various women.我母亲把时间都花来张罗各种各样的女人给我认识。The chameleon changes colour to match its surroundings.变色龙变换颜色以适应环境。He's prepared to match against all comers.他已准备好和所有前来比赛的人进行较量。The firm has not been able to pare costs fast enough to match competitors.那家公司一直没能迅速地削减开支,与对手比较处于劣势。Children can be made to suffer when they fail to match their parents' expectations.孩子不能达到父母的期望值时,有可能会吃苦头。I've never seen anything to match this spectacle.我从未见过如此美丽的景象。After several days of questioning, he admitted to match fixing.经过几天的审问,他供认操纵了比赛。The agency tries to match single people with suitable partners.婚介所试图为单身男女寻找合适的伴侣。Judges need to match the punishment to the crime.法官需要量罪定刑。She wore a green silk dress and hat to match.她穿着一件绿丝裙,戴着与之相配的帽子。She was trying to match the socks that were lying about.她试着将到处散落的袜子配成对。We found a sofa in a subtle stripe to match the walls.我们找到了一款和墙壁风格很搭的细条纹布沙发。We were unable to match their offer.我们未能满足他们的报价。Courses are designed to match the training requirements of each student.课程是为了适应每个学生的训练要求而设计的。The cushions were soft blue to match the Chinese rug on the floor.这些靠垫是柔和的蓝色,与地板上的中国小地毯很相配。She was hatted a big white straw hat to match her pink dress.她戴了一顶白色的大草帽来配搭那件粉红色的连衣裙。Specks of paint found at the scene were found to match the accused's car.现场发现的点点漆渍和被告的车漆相符。The events have been arranged to match TV schedules.赛事的安排与电视时间表相配合。It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers.给买卖双方牵线可能需要一些时间和工夫。 |