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He was also an avid reader and a disciple of Tolstoy.他也是托尔斯泰的热忱读者和信徒。Tolstoy's experiences of war had a profound effect on his work.托尔斯泰的战争经历深刻影响了他的作品。Tolstoy was one of Russia's most famous sons.托尔斯泰是俄国最著名人物之一。Tolstoy's War and Peace is often placed among the greatest masterpieces of world literature.托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》常被归为最伟大的世界文学作品之列。The sheer amplitude of the novel invites comparisons with Tolstoy.这部小说鸿篇巨制、气势恢宏,仅此就足以和托尔斯泰的作品相提并论。 |