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词汇 to lift
例句 Straining to lift heavy weights can raise your blood pressure.用力提重物会导致血压升高。The first act of the government was to lift all exchange controls.政府出台的第一项法案就是取消外汇管制。I almost ruptured myself trying to lift that heavy box.为了提那个沉重的箱子,我差点儿发了疝气。It's difficult to lift off the cover of the box.很难揭开这个箱子的盖子。The box was too heavy for me to lift.箱子太重,我提不起来。The royal forces marched south to lift the siege of Donnington Castle.皇家部队向南挺进以解唐宁顿城堡之围。Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.参加罢工的卡车司机同意解除对主干道的封锁。You could do yourself an injury trying to lift that heavy box.你试图把那只很重的箱子提起来可能会使自己受伤的。Birds use thermals to lift them through the air.鸟类利用上升热气流升入空中。Congress voted to lift trade restrictions against Iran.国会投票通过取消对伊朗的贸易限制。If you try to lift that box, you'll do yourself a mischief.你要是想搬那个箱子,会伤着自己的。He heard a scream and the hairs on the back of his neck began to lift.他听到一声尖叫,吓得后脖颈寒毛直竖。Many allies are pushing to lift the embargo.许多同盟国在努力争取取消贸易禁令。Between the four of them they managed to lift her into the ambulance.他们四人合力把她抬上了救护车。This suitcase is too heavy for the child to lift.这箱子太重,孩子提不起来。She struggled to lift the package by herself, but it was too heavy.她使劲提包裹,但包裹太重了。The opposition pledged to lift a siege of government buildings.反对派承诺解除对政府大楼的围攻。Try not to lift heavy weights.不要试图举起重物。He is strong enough to lift that rock.他力气很大,能举起那块石头。The combined efforts of four police officers and two paramedics were needed to lift the driver from the wreckage.四名警察和两名医务辅助人员一起出力才把驾驶员从残骸里抬出来。The sack was too heavy to lift.这个袋子太沉了,拎不动。His face was contorted in agony as he tried to lift himself out of the chair.他试图从椅子上站起来,痛得脸都变了形。The article is informative enough, but it's a little dull - we need something to lift it.这篇文章的信息量够大,但有些枯燥——我们需要增强它的趣味性。They used cranes to lift the containers from the ship.他们用起重机从船上把货柜吊起来。It's going to take a lot of muscle to lift the fridge.搬这台冰箱需要很大的力气。We need to do something to lift your spirits. 我们得做点什么让你高兴起来。It took four strong men to lift the piano.要四个强壮男子才抬得动这架钢琴。He strained every muscle to lift the rock.他奋力把石头提起。He has called on the government to lift its embargo on trade with Vietnam.他呼吁政府解除对越南的贸易禁运。Birds of prey use air currents to lift them.食肉猛禽利用气流使自己飞起来。I'm too weak to lift that heavy box by myself.我太单薄,自己一人抬不起那个重箱子。Such a meal did nothing to lift her spirits.这样的一顿饭丝毫提不起她的兴致。He wrenched his back when he tried to lift a heavy box.他试图举起一个重箱子时把背扭伤了。Firemen had to use a mobile crane to lift the carriages back onto the rails.消防队员不得不使用移动式起重机把车厢吊起来,重新放回铁轨上。The European Commission has urged France to lift its ban on imports of British beef.欧盟委员会敦促法国解除进口英国牛肉的禁令。It's physically impossible for a child to lift that much at once.一个孩子不可能有力气一下子拿起那么重的东西。The bombardment began to lift, shifting to targets farther inland.轰击开始转向更远的内地的目标。School boys were hired to lift the potatoes.雇用了学生来挖马铃薯。Powder is fluidized whenever it is necessary to lift it vertically.每当需要垂直向上输送粉末时,就使之流化。The government is refusing to bow down to pressure to lift the sanctions.面对要求取消制裁的压力,政府拒绝屈服。




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