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词汇 to lend
例句 Claire's always one to lend a sympathetic ear if you have problems.你有什么问题时,克莱尔总是乐于倾听。I rashly offered to lend her the money.我轻率地提出借钱给她。It's an awful cheek, the way he keeps asking you to lend him money.真是不知廉耻,他不停地要你借钱给他。She didn't have any money, so yours truly ended up having to lend her some.她身无分文,最后鄙人只好借给她一些。The government is willing to lend assistance to victims of the flooding.政府愿意向遭受洪水的灾民提供援助。After she agreed to lend him the money, she had second thoughts.在同意借钱给他之后,她又有所迟疑。If you think I'm going to lend you money, I must disabuse you.如果你以为我将借钱给你,那么我得请你打消这种想法。I asked Dad to lend me some money, but he said no.我问爸爸借些钱,但他不肯。Sometimes, but not very often, Pippa persuaded her father to lend her his car.有时皮帕也能说服父亲把车子借给她用,但这种情况不多。You're in honor bound to lend him money when he did the same for you.他曾借钱给你,道义上现在你应借钱给他。They offered to lend us their services. 他们主动向我们提供服务。If you would see your way clear to lend me some money, I would be very grateful.如果你肯借点钱给我,那就太感谢了。Not that I do not want to lend you money, but that I do not have any money now.不是我不肯借钱给你,而是我现在根本就没钱。He's not a friend, you say, yet you saw fit to lend him money.你说他不是朋友,但你却决定借钱给他。They do not have a dog's chance of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend them any money.他们今年没机会买房子,因为银行已拒绝给他们提供贷款。When I mentioned what I had come for, he immediately offered to lend me help.我说明来意之后,他立即提出要帮我忙。I'll have to ask Pop to lend me some money.我只得跟爸爸借些钱。Surely no one would be foolish enough to lend him the money?肯定没有人会傻到把这笔钱借给他。The commercial bank is willing to lend money to these customers.这家商业银行愿意把钱贷给这些客户。There is not a dog's chance of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend him any money.今年他肯定不能买房子,因为银行已拒绝给他贷款。He asked her to lend him the money, but she said nothing doing. 他向她借钱,但她一口回绝了。Good studies are needed to lend credence to the notion that genuine progress can be made in this important field.需要进行认真的研究,以让人们相信在这一重要领域可以取得真正的进展。He was always willing to lend an ear.他总是乐于倾听。He was kind enough to lend me the money.承蒙他好意借钱给我。I'd reckoned without their being prepared to lend me the money.我未曾想到他们准备借给我这笔钱。The banks were not at all keen to lend to somebody who actually seemed to need money.银行一点儿也不热心于把钱贷给那些看上去真正需要钱的人。It was imprudent of you to lend money to a stranger.你把钱借给陌生人,未免太轻率了。She is always willing to lend out money to friends.她总是乐于借钱给朋友们。The bank isn't likely to lend money to an unprofitable business like yours.银行不会借钱给你那样不赚钱的公司。He's wasting his breath. There's no way they're going to lend him the money.他在浪费唇舌,他们绝对不会借钱给他的。If you get stuck, Denise is always willing to lend a hand.如果你有困难,丹妮丝总是乐于帮忙。Many more institutions, especially banks, were allowed to lend money for mortgages, and what was more, banks could lend out more money than they actually held.允许更多的机构,尤其是银行推出抵押贷款;此外,银行发放的贷款可以超过其实际持有资金。They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can.他们总是愿意认真倾听并尽量提出建议。He was approached by the organisers to lend support to a benefit concert.主办方找过他,希望他能对慈善音乐会给予支持。She's always willing to lend a sympathetic ear.她总是很愿意心怀同情地听别人倾诉。She has included photographs in the book to lend verisimilitude to the story.她在书中使用了照片,以使故事显得更加真实。They agreed to lend us the car on condition that we returned it before the weekend.他们同意把汽车借给我们,条件是周末前要归还。The financial de-regulation led to institutions being more willing to lend.金融管制的解除使得金融机构更乐于提供贷款。Stupidly, I agreed to lend him some money.我很傻,竟同意借一些钱给他。He's always prepared to lend a sympathetic ear.他总是怀着一颗同情心去倾听。




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