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词汇 to keep on
例句 We tried to keep on the right side of the house-keeper, so that she would let us bring beer in.我们尽量和管家搞好关系,这样她就肯让我们带啤酒进来。He used to keep on at me about the need to win.他以前总是跟我唠叨必须获胜才行。We're going to keep on searching until we find her.我们准备继续搜寻,直到找到她为止。It started as a hobby, but it got so addictive I had to keep on doing it.开始时只是爱好,但它让人如此着迷,我只得继续下去。The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.习惯上要把所有的样品分析记录在案。Try to keep on good terms with everyone at your place of employment.在工作单位要尽量与大家友好相处。It's best to keep on the right side of Ben.最好能讨本的欢心。Her coach encouraged her throughout the marathon race to keep on running.她的教练在马拉松赛全程鼓励她继续不断奔跑。You just have to keep on trying.你可得继续努力。You've constantly got to keep on at people about that.你总是得没完没了地和别人说那件事。It takes guts to keep on running even though you have blistered feet.脚起泡后还能坚持跑下去,这需要极大的毅力。I want to know if he likes to keep on this house for another month.我想知道他是否想再租一个月这房子。




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