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词汇 to invite
例句 There's no one else I really want to invite apart from you.除你之外,我不想再邀请其他人。It was nice of them to invite us.他们很友好,邀请了我们。Richard often used to invite me back for coffee after the show.理查德过去常常在看完演出后,请我到他家里喝咖啡。Aren't you going to invite me in for a coffee?难道你不打算请我到你家喝杯咖啡吗?I felt obliged to invite him into the parlour.我只得把他让进客厅。It was tactless of you to invite his ex-girlfriend.你邀请他的前任女友很不明智。Sometimes it seems right to invite an entire class of children so no one will feel left out.有时似乎应该邀请全班孩子,这样任何人都不会感到被孤立。I don't mind you coming, but I didn't expect you to invite along half your family.我不介意你来,但我没想到你把你家里一半的人都带来了。She considered it poor etiquette to invite people over and then cancel just the day before.她认为发出邀请后又在前一天将其取消是很不得体的。Look about carefully before deciding whom to invite.先仔细想好了再决定该邀请谁。He denounced the decision to invite his fellow archbishop to preach.他痛斥了邀请其他大主教同仁布道的决定。I'm planning to invite them for the weekend.我打算邀请他们来度周末。I felt obliged to invite all my family, although I didn't really want to.我得把全家人都请来,尽管我并不情愿这么做。He meant to invite Monica, but he clean forgot.他是打算邀请莫妮卡参加聚会的,但却忘得一干二净。He was gracious enough to invite us to his home.他非常好心地请我们到他家。It was raining, so I felt obliged to invite him into the house.当时正在下雨,所以我觉得应该请他进屋里来。We want to invite a number of friends, especially John and Peter.我们想邀请几个朋友,主要是约翰和彼得。I think it's a neat idea to invite the new neighbors to the cookout.我认为,邀请新邻居们参加野炊是个不错的主意。It was ever so kind of you to invite us.你邀请我们,真是太好了。The first job is to decide who to invite.要做的第一件事是决定邀请谁。We have to invite your parents and my parents, and then there's your brother.我们得邀请你的父母和我的父母,另外还有你的兄弟。Why did you have to invite Jerry? You've spoiled the whole weekend.你为什么一定要请杰里?你把这个周末全毁了。I thought it appropriate to invite her to speak at the meeting.我认为应当邀请她在会上发言。She had twisted his arm to get him to invite her.她说服了他邀请自己。The page, with its large, readable type and wide margins, was designed to invite reading.书页上印有大而清晰的字体,两边留出宽绰的空白,意在吸引读者。The dog slid her head into my hand, at once to invite caress and to intimate with all due respect that it was time to go home.狗把她的头拱进我的手,既是邀我爱抚,同时又是以婉转的方式表示该回家了的意思。It's too late to invite any more people. Besides, you know how Tim hates parties.再邀请更多的人太晚了。而且你知道蒂姆不喜欢聚会。I meant to invite him, but it completely slipped my mind.我本打算邀请他,但把这事忘得干干净净。I nearly forgot to invite Josie.我差点忘了邀请乔西。It was nice of you to invite us.你邀请我们,真是太好了。It was mean of them not to invite her to the party.他们没邀请她参加聚会,这很不友善。It's just like Uncle Roy to invite us all to lunch and then forget to tell Aunt Sarah.罗伊舅舅就是这样,邀请我们所有的人去吃午餐,然后却忘了告诉萨拉舅母。Oh, blow it! I've forgotten to invite Paul to the party.噢,该死!我忘了邀请保罗来参加聚会了。Jan decided not to invite any of her relatives to her graduation.简决定在她的毕业典礼上,一个家人都不邀请。Do you think it was forward of me to invite her to dinner when we'd only just met?你觉得刚见面我就邀请她吃饭是不是有些鲁莽?It was unkind of you not to invite her.你没有邀请她,这不厚道。The movie seems to invite comparison with 'The Italian Job'.这部影片似乎让人们自然而然地将其与《偷天换日》相比较。I've got some other friends I'd like to invite.我还想邀请一些其他的朋友。She was making out a list of people to invite.她正在列一份邀请名单。He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner.他抓住机会邀请她回家里吃饭。




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