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词汇 to inspect
例句 They don't normally give advance notice about which building they're going to inspect.他们一般不提前通知要检查哪一幢建筑。The U.N. team split up to inspect several sites in the south of the country.联合国调查小组分头检查了该国南部的几个地方。Each party in the case is entitled to inspect the documents held by the other.案件各方均有权查看对方持有的文件。I had to remove the housing to inspect the vent.我只好移开了盖子来检查通风孔。The company agreed to inspect the river regularly, as a sop to the environmental lobby.这家公司同意定期对那条河进行检测,以敷衍环保团体。Some insurance people have already been here to inspect the damage caused by the storm.一些保险公司的人已经来过这里检查暴风雨所造成的损失。After the storm, we went outside to inspect the damage.暴风雨过后,我们出去检查受损情况。The police are entitled to inspect the premises without notification.警方有权不预先通知就搜查房屋。Two po-faced men came to inspect the house.两个面容严肃的男子来检查这间房子。Customs officers came aboard to inspect our documents.海关官员上船检查我们的单据。Health Department officials came to inspect the factory.卫生部的官员来视察这个工厂。She bent down to inspect the stain on the rug.她弯下腰去查看地毯上的污迹。The government has set up a new body to inspect secondary schools.政府设立了一个新部门对中学进行检查。A landlord must give reasonable notice of his intention to inspect the property.房主打算检查房子的话必须合理地提前告知房客。Russian and American teams will have the right to inspect each other's missile sites.俄罗斯和美国的工作小组将有权相互检查对方的导弹发射场。Many schools have a mechanism which allows parents to inspect classroom materials.许多学校都有一个机制,允许家长审查课堂教学材料。Elaine went outside to inspect the playing field.伊莱恩走到外面查看操场。It is a good idea to instruct a specialist company to inspect the property for damp.最好让专业公司来检测一下该房产的潮湿程度。The government has the right to inspect any such establishment or any papers or records relating thereto.政府有权审查此类机构及任何与之相关的文件或记录。They don't normally give any advance notice about which building they're going to inspect.他们一般不会预先通知检查哪座大楼。




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