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It looked like she was going to hurl herself down the stairs.她看上去好像要从楼梯上跳下去了。General Barton said if there was any hurry to hurl down on the ground.巴顿将军问是否有必要马上要卧倒在地面上。When I was on the track team, I used to hurl the javelin.我在田径队时是掷标枪的。The tribesmen picked up great rocks to hurl at us.部落男子拣起大石块朝我们掷来。She wanted to hurl herself into his arms.她想扑到他的怀里。Martin marched into the shop and proceeded to hurl abuse at the girl behind the counter.马丁大步走进店里,对柜台后面的那个女孩破口大骂起来。It took only one heave to hurl him into the river.只一下,他就被推到了河里。In the past, armies used catapults to hurl heavy stones at enemy fortifications.古代军队使用石弩将重石投向敌人的防御工事。 |