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词汇 to go straight
例句 The two thieves decided to go straight.这两个小偷决定改邪归正。They are addicts trying to go straight.他们是正在努力戒毒的瘾君子。 You can't expect these people to go straight when no one's ever going to give them a job.假如没有人给这些人一份工作的话,就别指望他们会改邪归正了。My first impulse was to go straight to Henry and tell him my news, but on reflection I thought better of it.我第一个念头就是径直到亨利那里去告诉他我的消息,但考虑过后还是不说为好。Wright promised to go straight if the judge would let him go free.莱特先生答应,如果法官释放了他,他愿改邪归正。Tony's been trying to go straight for about six months.大约六个月来,托尼一直在努力改邪归正。We decided to go straight home.我们决定直接回家。We don't need to go straight off - we can stay for a little while.我们用不着马上就走——我们可以呆一会儿。The doctor told me to go straight to bed.医生要我立即卧床休息。




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