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词汇 to go into
例句 He wants to go into the theatre when he finishes university.他想读完大学后进入戏剧界。After medical school, he wants to go into general practice.毕业以后,他打算做一个全科医生。Bit of a bummer, they've found this lump and I've got to go into hospital.很不幸,他们发现了这个肿块,我只好去医院了。I didn't want to go into details on the phone, so we arranged a meeting in my office for the next day.我不想在电话里说得很详细,因此我们约好第二天在我的办公室里碰面。The best thing you can do is to go into the interview and just be yourself.你最明智的选择就是进去面试时自自然然地表现自己。He wants to go into the priesthood. 他想成为一名神职人员。He's going to go into teaching.他打算从事教学工作。This is the first book to go into her personal life as well as her work.这是第一本不仅深入研究她的作品而且还详细叙述她的个人生活的书。She's planning to go into teaching.她打算从事教育。She is hoping to go into change management or IT management when she graduates.她希望毕业后从事变革管理或者信息管理。We'll need to go into the problem in more detail before we make any decision.在作出决定前我们有必要对这问题作更仔细的研究。It galled him to have to ask permission to go into town.要进城必须先得到同意,这让他很恼火。A lack of magnesium causes muscles to go into spasm.缺镁会导致肌肉痉挛。You're on your honour not to go into my room.依你的人格,相信你不会进我的房间。I'll try to tell the story without going into too many details. = I'll try not to go into too much detail.我将尽量简要叙述这个事情。I would like you to tell your story to my colleagues, and they may want you to go into greater detail.我希望你能把你的事告诉我的同事,而他们可能会要求你更详细地讲一讲的。I know you don't want to go into the hospital, but it's for your own good.我知道你不想去医院,可这是为了你好。My mother constantly warned me not to go into teaching.妈妈不断地告诫我不要去当老师。In later centuries Venice lost its former importance and began to go into decline.在之后的几个世纪里,威尼斯失去原有的重要地位,开始衰落。Janet says she'd like to go into teaching after she finishes college.珍妮特说她大学毕业后想教书。I don't want to go into the matter now.我现在不想谈这件事。Deidre decided to go into Dublin on her day off to do some shopping.戴德丽打算在她休息那天去都柏林购物。I would like to go into this argument in some detail, but time does not permit it.我想把理由讲详细点,但时间不允许。It's so nice to go into summer dresses again.又要穿夏装了,真惬意。Mr Shaw refused to go into detail about the discussions.肖先生拒绝说明这些讨论的详细内容。Sure remember not to go into the basement.千万记住别走进地下室。I don't really want to go into this matter now.我现在真不想谈这个问题。You had to go into politics if you wanted to change the world.要是你想改变社会就得从政。He made the decision to go into politics last year.去年他决定从政。I don't want to go into all the technicalities just now.现在我不想深究全部技术细节。I always wanted to go into nursing.我一直想从事护理工作。Our goal is to prepare students to go into the business world with confidence.我们的目标是让学生做好准备,满怀信心地进入商界。His dream is to go into business for himself. 他的梦想是自己开公司。When asked about the break-up of her marriage, she refused to go into particulars.当被问及破裂的婚姻时,她拒绝讲述细节。If you want to go into that lion's cage, it's your own lookout.如果你愿意到狮笼里去,那是你自己的事。You don't need to go into the fitting room - just slip the jacket on over your sweater.你不用进更衣室——就把夹克套在毛衣外边吧。The company is refusing to go into detail about its offer.公司拒绝透露其报价的细节。It's courting disaster to go into the mountains without proper weatherproof clothing.进山却不携带些防风雨的衣物,简直是自找苦吃。My son's planning to go into journalism.我儿子打算从事新闻业。She had to go into hospital for her lumbar operation.她因腰椎手术得住院。




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