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词汇 to get up
例句 The little boy squirmed in his seat, anxious to get up and leave the table.小男孩在座位上扭动着,急着要站起来离开桌子。I'm glad we haven't got to get up early tomorrow.很高兴我们明天不必早起。I have to get up ridiculously early.我必须早得离谱就起来。I hate having to get up early in the morning.我讨厌一早就得起床。My Dad used to get up at the crack of dawn every Sunday to go fishing.我爸爸以前每个星期天都天一亮就起来去钓鱼。It will take some time for the new secretary to get up to speed. 新来的秘书需要一段时间去熟悉工作。We had to get up at some ungodly hour to catch our train.我们得一大早就起来去赶火车。You will have to get up your English if you want to pass the exam.如果你想通过考试,就必须学好英语。I dislike having to get up so early in the morning.我讨厌早晨这么早就得起床。Fancy having to get up at five a.m.every day!嗳呀!必须每天早晨五点就起床!He was able to convince the supply sergeant to get up off some fuel.他设法说服后勤军士给了一些燃料。I have to get up early.我得早点起床。Mother was too ill to get up for dinner.母亲病得无法起床吃晚饭。Oh, there goes the alarm. Time to get up.喔,闹铃响了。 该起床了。They have to get up early in the morning.他们大清早就得起床。I'd go nuts if I had to get up that early every morning.每天那么早就得起床我会疯的。Dad had a milk round and used to get up really early.那时候爸爸有固定的送奶工作,通常会很早起。The crookedness of the stairway made it hard for the child to get up.弯曲的楼梯使小孩上楼困难。It's sometimes a real effort just to get up in the mornings.早上起床有时候就真是件很困难的事。I ought to get up earlier.我应该早一些起床。I try to get up early and exercise, though sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.我尽量起早锻炼,但有时心有余而力不足。What time do you need to get up tomorrow?明天你得什么时候起床?They're trying to get up a petition to have the movie theater reopened.他们想要组织一次请愿,让这家影院重新开张。If you do it tonight, it'll save you from having to get up early.你如果今晚做这件事,明天就不必早起了。It won't hurt Julia to get up early for a change.朱莉娅偶尔早起一次也无妨。There is no need to get up in arms over such a trifle.没有必要为这样的小事发火。He got the knee in the face as he tried to get up.他试图站起来时脸部被人用膝盖撞击了一下。Her clock told her it was time to get up.她的时钟告诉她该起床了。Can you manage to get up to the house under your own steam while I bring up the food?你能自己上到屋子去,我去把吃的带上来吗?I have to get up and turn off the radio.我得起来,关掉收音机。I like to get up to birdcall,not shouting voice.早晨我起床时喜欢听到鸟叫声,而不是喧闹声。She tried to get up, but her foot was entangled in the strap.她想站起来,但是脚被带子缠住了。She was persuaded by a group of friends to get up on stage.她被一群朋友说服,同意登台。One of her friends helped her to get up off the floor.她的一位朋友把她从地板上拉起来。She needs help to get up the stairs.她上楼梯需要帮助。They had to get up and close the door continuously.他们只得不断地起来关门。It was a struggle to get up the hill in the snow.下雪天要爬到山上是件费力事儿。I like to get up early and get a bit of work done before breakfast.我喜欢早起,在吃早餐前干点活。I'm too tired to get up, so I guess I'll just go on sitting.我累得站不起身来,看来要一直坐下去了。Father is much better but the nurse says he's not to get up yet.父亲的病好多了,但护士说他仍不能下床。




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