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词汇 to get through
例句 We've got a lot of work to get through.我们有许多活儿要干。I managed to get through the interview without descending into bumbling amateurism.我设法通过了面试,所幸没有表现得笨手笨脚、不够专业。He did well to get through the preliminaries.他以出色的成绩通过了预试。The new president is easy to get through to, a welcome contrast to the insularity of his predecessor.新总统平易近人,和前任总统的偏狭固执形成可喜的对照。There's a lot of red tape to get through first.首先要通过许多繁琐的手续。He had to stoop to get through the door.他必须弯着腰走过那道门。We've got a lot to get through today.我们今天有许多事情要做。An old friend might well be able to get through to her and help her.也许一个老朋友能让她明白并且帮助她。I tried to get through, but there were people blocking my way.我想过去,但是有人挡着路。He will need all his speed-reading skill to get through the volume of material.他将得用他所有的速读技巧才能看完这本材料。She hardly knew how to get through the rest of the day.她不知道怎么消磨这一天剩下的时间。The tall man bent down to get through the doorway.那高个男人弯身经过出入口。I've talked to him many times, but I just can't seem to get through to him.我对他讲了许多次,但我似乎无法让他明白。He, too, had a lot of paperwork to get through.他也有很多文书工作要处理。I don't know how we're going to get through the winter.我不知道我们如何才能度过这个冬天。I have a lot of paperwork to get through.我有很多文书工作要做。We have a tremendous amount of work to get through.我们有大量的工作要完成。With a small, hand-picked squad of ex-paratroopers, Collins managed to get through the defences.科林斯带着一支由精心挑选的前伞兵队员组成的小分队设法通过了防御工事。The window was far too small for him to get through.窗户对他来说实在太小,他钻不过去。Against all the odds, we managed to get through to the final.我们克服重重困难进入了决赛。I couldn't seem to get through to her.我好像没有办法让她明白。I hate dealing with the bank over the phone. It takes ages to get through to the right person.我讨厌在电话上同银行打交道,找对人要花很长时间。At last I managed to get through to one of the managers.我终于和一名经理通上了电话。He had to duck his head to get through the low doorway.他只得把头低下才能通过那低矮的门道。We'll try to get through this as quickly and painlessly as possible.我们将尽可能又快又轻松地完成它。Did you have to get through an entrance examination?你必须要通过入学考试吗?The gate was locked but we managed to get through a gap in the fence.大门锁上了,但我们还是通过篱笆上的缺口钻了进去。Her friends helped her to get through the first awful weeks after Bill died.比尔去世后,是朋友们帮助她捱过了头几个星期的可怕日子的。I don't know how those early settlers managed to get through the winter.我不知道这些早期的定居者是如何熬过冬天的。Their plane's in, but it'll take them a little while to get through customs.他们的飞机已经到了,不过还要花一小会儿时间通过海关。The refugees will need help to get through the winter.这些难民需要帮助才能熬过这个冬天。Right, could we get started please? We've a lot of business to get through this morning.好吧,我们开始好吗?今天早上我们有许多事情要讨论。In spite of the terrible weather one plane managed to get through.尽管天气恶劣,有一架飞机还是成功抵达了。We've got a lot to get through in today's meeting.今天的会上我们有很多事项要处理。It took us two hours to get through passport control.我们花了两个小时才通过护照检查。Many's the time we've had to borrow money in order to get through the month.有许多次我们不得不借钱以撑到月底。Smith tried to get through to Frank at Warm Springs the next morning.第二天早上,史密斯试图打电话给在沃姆斯普林斯的弗兰克。We had to bend down low to get through the opening.我们只得把腰弯得很低才能穿过那个洞。I have a pile of papers to get through before my leaving.我离开之前有一堆文件要处理。We had to get through the narrow opening sideways.我们不得不侧身穿过这狭窄的通道。




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