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The notebook was held together with sticky tape.笔记本用胶带粘住没有散开。They often got together with other parents in the local neighbourhood.他们经常与当地邻里的其他家长聚会。The fingerprint together with the other evidence was enough to prove that he was there.指纹连同另外一项证据足以证明他当时在现场。I tried to hold it all together with glue, but the pieces fell apart.我试图用胶水把碎片粘在一起,但碎片还是散得七零八落。I kept all his letters tied together with a ribbon.我把他所有的信用一根丝带扎在一起。He stuck the sheets of paper together with paste.他用浆糊把这些纸张黏在一起。The trousers were held together with a safety pin.这裤子是用别针别住的。He tied the planks together with a strong rope.他用一根结实的绳子把木板绑在了一起。He often gets together with his friends after work.他在工作之余常和朋友聚会。I'd like to get together with you soon.我期待和你早日见面。If you have a serious problem with overeating you should get together with others who share this problem.如果你暴饮暴食很严重,应当同有类似问题的人一起来探讨。The truth was that she did not enjoy getting together with the rest of her family.事实是她不喜欢与家人一起。Join the two pieces together with glue.用胶把这两块粘在一起。Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates.贫困、文盲与高出生率密切相关。Max was rubbing his hands together with glee.马克斯高兴地搓着双手。The fat and flour are rubbed together with the fingertips as for pastry.像做油酥面团那样用指尖把脂油和面粉揉搓到一起。Just bring it back to the store, together with your receipt.把它连同收据一起拿回店里来就行了。High crime rates often go together with a lack of jobs.高犯罪率常伴随失业现象发生。His body knitted together with extraordinary speed.他的身体以超常的速度痊愈了。I wouldn't do things together with her sort for love or money.无论怎么样我也不能和她那号人合作。A famine started which, together with the war, carried away millions of lives…一场饥荒开始了,再加上战争,夺走了几百万条生命。They are easily held together with cement.用胶接剂可以很容易地把它们粘在一起。That night, together with a high official, I was quartered with a farmer.那天晚上,我和一位高级官员一起住在一个农民家里。Sandwich the two halves of the sponge together with cream.在两半儿海绵蛋糕中间夹入奶油。The model was held together with string.那个模型是用细绳连在一起的。She fastened the papers together with a paper clip.她用回形针把文件别在一起。The sheets are glued together with strong adhesive.薄片用强力胶粘在一起。Alice clinked our glasses together with a smile.艾丽斯微笑着把我们的杯子碰在一起。I want to see a strong and united country in which people work together with common aims.我希望看到一个强大而统一的国家,人民为了共同的目标而努力奋斗。It's a long time since I got together with Tom.我好久没有和汤姆见面了。He sent me the book, together with a letter.他把书寄给我,还附上了一封信。He then sticks it back together with flour paste.然后他用面糊把它重新粘了起来。He tied the packages together with string.他用绳子把这些包裹捆在一起。They walked together with their arms entwined.他们挽着胳膊一起走。He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue.他用胶水将这两块木料黏在一起。He invites me to go to ride a horse together with him.他邀请我与他一起去骑马。My knees were knocking together with fear.我吓得两腿直打哆嗦。He, together with Bill Dunn, decided to climb out of the canyon.他和比尔·邓恩决定一起爬出峡谷。The lack of rain put together with the heat ruined many of the region's crops.缺雨加上高温天气使得这一地区许多庄稼都枯死了。The comment, together with her expression, suggested that she was very upset.那句评论以及她的表情都表明她十分心烦。 |