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词汇 to filter out
例句 The child was able to filter out the noises surrounding him, as he was so busy in his play.这个小孩一个劲地玩耍,全然没有注意周围的闹声。At this time of day you need to filter out the red light to take a good photo.在一天的这个时候,你需要过滤掉红光才能把相照好。The purpose of the first interview is to filter out people who are not good candidates for the job.第一轮面试的目的是筛除不适合这份工作的应聘者。Reports were starting to filter out of Baghdad about the horrendous conditions in Iraq's jails.有关伊拉克监狱骇人状况的报道开始从巴格达传出。




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