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词汇 to fill
例句 We played cards to fill in the dead time between the two performances.我们玩纸牌打发两场表演之间的空档时间。We had to hire a temp to fill in for her.我们只得请个临时工来顶替她。Our old supervisor just retired, so they're looking for someone to fill his post.我们的老主管刚刚退休了,所以他们正在找人顶替他的位置。There is no lack of stories to fill the papers.报纸有很多的事可写。You need to fill in an application form first.你需要先填一份申请表。We had hoped to fill the back page with extra news; we're not quite there yet.我们本来希望补充一些新闻把最后一版填满,可是现在差得还很远。Crowds of spectators are expected to fill the streets tonight.预计今晚街上将挤满大群的观众。When each passenger arrives, we ask them to fill in a form.每位旅客到达后,我们请他们填表。Some people find it difficult to fill in a form.有些人觉得表格不好填写。It was easier to find clothes that fit him once he began to fill out.他开始长胖时,要找到合身的衣服就容易些了。A photograph of them is blown up to fill two full pages.他们的一张照片被放大,占了两个整版。It'll be hard to find someone to fill Pete's shoes.很难找到合适的人接替皮特的工作。At the end of the conference, all the participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire.大会结束时,所有的与会者都被要求填写一份问卷。Penny began an inane conversation about the book she was reading to fill the silence.为了打破沉默,彭妮无聊地说起她正在看的一本书来打开话匣子。It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire.填写那份问卷花了我好长一段时间。The reporters were asked to fill out their stories.记者们被要求充实他们的新闻报道。Take a deep breath and allow your lungs to fill.深吸一口气,让肺部涨满。He has not been signed to the club as a makeweight to fill out the numbers.他并不是作为凑数的成员签给俱乐部的。They're looking for someone to fill Jackson's place on the management team.他们正在找人取代杰克逊在管理队伍中的位置。He began by spotting a gap in the market and having a plan to fill it.他先找到市场空白,然后便制订计划填补这个空白。He has been asked to fill out his book.他被要求充实他的书。Other gases rush in to fill the vacuum.其他气体涌进来充满真空。This insurance is designed to fill a gap in welfare provision.这种保险就是为了填补福利服务没有覆盖的空白点。Before leaving, he went into his office to fill in the daily time sheet.离开前,他到自己的办公室填写了日常考勤表。He was not constitutionally eligible to fill the office.按照宪法他不宜担任这公职。We used cement to fill the cracks.我们用水泥填补裂缝。If you are depositing a cheque you will have to fill in the following details.如果你是存支票,你需要填妥以下详情。Well, for starters, you'll need to fill out an application form.哦,首先,你需要填一张申请表。We are looking for someone to fill a senior management slot.我们在找一个人可以填补高级管理职位的空缺。In the test, we had to fill in the blanks.考试的时候我们不得不做了些填空题。We try to fill our executive positions by promotion from within.我们试图通过内部提升的方式来填补行政职位空缺。Mix the spinach and cheese and use it to fill the pasta shells.把菠菜和奶酪搅拌一下并用它来填入意大利面壳。The company has been unable to fill the vacancy.该公司没能把这个空缺填补起来。About half an hour before the performance, the theatre starts to fill up.演出开始前半个小时左右,剧场开始渐渐坐满了。I had to fill in an application form.我得填写一份申请表。You have to fill in your tax return by tomorrow.你必须在明天之前填写好纳税申报表。I did some research to fill in the gaps in my knowledge.我做了些研究以弥补我知识的不足。Jack is the best man to fill the vacancy.杰克是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。He tried to fill the power vacuum which the departed strongman had left.他曾试图去填补那铁腕人物死后留下的权力真空。School administrators are trying to fill vacancies before the beginning of the school year.校方正在想办法尽量在这个学年开始之前把空缺职位填满。




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