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词汇 to fight
例句 They joined forces to fight for peace.他们联合起来为和平而战。The company's board vowed to fight to the bitter end, rather than submit to the takeover.公司董事会发誓要苦战到底,不会任由别人接管。They egged each other on to argue and to fight.他们互相拱火争吵,大打出手。If they perceive that a military challenge threatens their country's interests, they will not hesitate to fight.他们一旦发现国家的利益受到了军事威胁,就会豪不犹豫地奋起反击。He tried to fight the sleepiness that overwhelmed him.他努力地和阵阵袭来的倦意斗争着。Did your husband manage to fight off his cold by taking aspirin?你丈夫服用阿司匹林治好感冒了吗?He urged his countrymen to fight to the last.他鼓舞同胞们战斗到底。These drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.这些药品毒性很大,会削弱身体对感染的抵抗力。He intends to fight the case to the Supreme Court.他打算把官司打到最高法院。We didn't win this time, but we live to fight another day.这次我们没有获胜,但下回我们再论输赢。The verdict hasn't weakened his resolve to fight the charges against him.判决没有动摇他洗清对自己的指控的决心。He recruits volunteers to go to Pakistan to fight.他招募志愿者去巴基斯坦打仗。Residents are gearing up to fight the proposal.居民们正在为抵制该议案做准备。The department is developing a strategy to fight unemployment.该部门正在制定一项解决失业问题的策略。Young Frenchmen were conscripted into the army and forced to fight in Algeria.法国的年轻人都受征召入伍,被迫去阿尔及利亚作战。Lee had to fight hard for his place on the expedition.李不得不为在探险队求得一席之地而苦苦争取。The doctors tried to fight the disease.医生试图攻克这一疾病。The young men are determined to fight it out.这些年轻人决心斗争到底。She used her time in the Senate to fight for the environment.在参议院任职期间,她为保护环境而不懈努力。They were about to fight when their father intervened.他们的父亲出来调停时,他们已经快要打起来了。In former times, people used to fight with swords.过去,人们惯常用刀剑作战。Bodyguards had to fight off the crowds.保镖不得不挡住人群。It will provide the kick-start needed to fight stagflation.这将提供对付滞胀所需的动力。Don't try to fight it. That's just the way it is.你就不要抗争了,都是这样的。This film isn't novel at all, only splicing love to fight.这个片子一点也不新颖,只不过是打斗加爱情的老程式。China is intensifying efforts to fight crime.中国在加大力度打击犯罪活动。Many of the young soldiers who were conscripted into the army in World War I did not want to fight.在第一次世界大战中有许多应征入伍的年轻士兵并不愿意上战场作战。I had to fight back the urge to give the little blighter a clip round the ear.我竭力控制住了自己的冲动,才没有抽这个讨厌的小家伙一个耳光。We all know the best way to fight crime is to remove the causes of crime, but that is easier said than done.我们都知道打击犯罪的最好方式是从根源上消除犯罪,但是说起来容易做起来难。We need to fight this barbarian attitude to science.我们要与这种对科学的粗野态度作斗争。We can't just let them make these accusations against us. We need to fight back!我们不能任由他们横加指责。我们需要反击!You have to fight for your rights.你必须为你的权利而奋斗。Our party is ready to fight an election at any time.我们党已经准备好随时可以参与竞选。The army was pressed into service to fight the fires.军队被临时调来灭火。I'm trying to fight off a cold.我正尽量避免感冒。He wants to fight the champ? That's a hot one.他想和冠军去较量?真是让人笑掉大牙。The Prime Minister has decided to stay on to fight another election.首相已经决定继续留下,参加下一届竞选。They have already declared their intention to fight on rather than settle for half-measures.他们已经宣布要继续战斗,而不是半途而废。He has reaffirmed that he will continue to fight terrorism.他重申将继续打击恐怖主义。The company managed to fight off a takeover at-tempt.该公司设法阻止了一次收购企图。




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