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词汇 toes
例句 Our cold fingers and toes eventually thawed.我们冰冷的手指和脚趾终于暖和过来了。I don't want to step on anyone's toes.我不想得罪任何人。My toes are itching like mad.我脚趾痒得很厉害。He was waggling his toes in his socks.他的脚趾在袜子里动来动去。His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months.他慷慨激昂的竞选演说让反对党派一连数月都不敢松懈。My toes were too numb to feel my own stamping.我的脚趾麻木了,连自己跺脚都无知觉。My toes were so cold that I'd lost all feeling in them.我的脚趾冻得完全失去知觉了。She pared the two corns on her little toes.她削去自己小脚趾上的两个鸡眼。Their boss kept them all on their toes.他们的老板让他们一天到晚忙碌著。We dipped our toes into the water to see how cold it was.我们把脚尖浸到水里看看有多凉。Can you reach your toes with your fingertips?你能用手指尖碰到你的脚趾吗?Universities are dipping their toes in the waters of management education.各大学正开始尝试进入管理教育领域。When they found her the next morning, she had no feeling in her toes.次日上午他们发现她时,她的脚趾已失去知觉。Maria's lace-ups had got holes in the toes, real holes.玛丽亚的缚带靴头部有破洞,破得可厉害啦。He had some kind of fungus between his toes.他有脚癣。Morton's metatarsalgia can cause shooting pains in the ball of the foot and the base of the toes.莫尔顿跖骨痛可导致脚前掌和趾跟部刺痛。Stand with your heels together, toes pointing outward.脚跟并拢,脚趾向外站立。I'm not worried about stepping on anybody's toes.我并不担心会冒犯任何人。My sister can spin on her toes like a dancer.我妹妹能像舞者一样踮著脚尖旋转。Taking care of three kids really keeps me on my toes.照顾三个孩子真让我不得不打起十二分的精神。Turn your toes in, like this.像这样把脚趾往里翻。You might step on the toes of some important people with this project.你的这个方案可能会冒犯某些大人物。I stood on the tips of my toes to look through the window.我踮起双脚朝窗外看。Raise one foot, curl the toes and point the foot downwards.抬起一只脚,弯曲脚趾,使脚尖朝下。These new shoes are pinching my toes.这双新鞋挤我的脚。After hiking all day, his toes were blistered and his arches hurt.徒步旅行了一天后,他脚趾起了水泡,脚背也很疼。The boss made regular inspections in order to keep employees on their toes.老板进行定期检查是为了使员工时刻打起精神。Maria's shoes had got holes in the toes.玛丽亚的鞋尖处破了几个洞。These tight shoes irritate my toes.我的鞋太紧,夹痛我的脚趾。Two of her toes were amputated because of frostbite.她的两个脚趾因为冻伤被截掉了。She reached down, touching her toes with opposite hands…她弯腰向下,左右手交叉触及脚趾。The dancers pivoted on their toes and changed direction.舞蹈演员们踮起脚旋转,变换方向。She stood on her toes to get a better look.她踮起脚,想看得更清楚一些。They do random checks to keep workers on their toes.他们随机进行抽查,让工人不懈怠。Parker's socks were so full of holes that his toes peeked through.帕克的袜子上全是洞,脚趾都露出来了。If you persist in it, you are likely to tread on their toes.如果你坚持这一点就很可能要得罪他们。She took off her shoes and wriggled her toes.她脱掉鞋子,扭动脚趾。I stomped on his toes and ran away.我使劲儿踩了一下他的脚趾,然后跑了。The abductor hallucis muscle moves the big toe away from the other toes.拇外展肌将大拇趾与其他脚趾拉开。Under his bare toes the floor felt gritty.他光着脚,觉得地板上有沙砾。




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