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词汇 to dominate
例句 He denied that his country wants to dominate Europe.他否认他的国家想控制欧洲。The superpower attempted to dominate over other countries.超级大国企图支配其他国家。The dispute is likely to dominate the news.这场纠纷很可能成为新闻报道的焦点。They should be kept in their place and not allowed to dominate the proceedings.应该让他们清楚,自己不得操控诉讼。The countries of Eastern Europe immediately started to dominate.东欧国家立即开始占据支配地位。You shouldn't allow your job to dominate your life like that.你不应该让工作像现在这样主宰你的生活。The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.这本书预计会占据畅销书排行榜的榜首。She tends to dominate the conversation.她往往会在谈话中占支配地位。The executive had come to dominate the legislature.行政部门逐渐在立法机构取得了主导地位。The U.S.A. attempted to dominate over the rest of the world.美国企图主宰世界其他地方。The little small-town banks were traditionally very frightened that Wall Street would come to dominate the whole country.偏狭守旧的小银行通常都很害怕华尔街会控制整个国家。No single factor appears to dominate.没有一个因素看似是决定性的。The fuel crisis continues to dominate the headlines.燃料危机仍然是头版要闻。When they were in company she always seemed to dominate the conversation.他们在一起的时候,她好像总是操纵着话语权。Don't allow the computer to dominate your child's life.别让计算机主宰了你孩子的生活。We had hoped to dominate the market: we're not quite there yet.我们曾希望占领市场,可是现在还差得很远。Don't allow your problems to dominate your life.不要让碰到的问题支配你的生活。They work as a group - no one person is allowed to dominate.他们以团队的形式工作——不允许其中任何人独揽大权。Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people.父辈们有能力支配孩子们和年轻人的生活。She thinks men have an atavistic desire to dominate any group.她认为人有一种想要统治其他群体的原始欲望。Men still tend to dominate the world of law - hardly any top judges are women.男人仍主宰着法律界,高级法官中几乎没有女性。Sadism may stem from a desire to dominate.虐待狂也许来源于支配欲。He desires to dominate over others.他很想支配别人。




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