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词汇 to bid
例句 The builder decided to bid on the new subway.这个营造商决定投标争取承建这条新的地铁。She was sorry to bid farewell to Portugal.她舍不得离开葡萄牙。We have just called in to bid you adieu.我们是来向你告别的。The time has come to bid you all farewell.是时候向大家说再见了。She decided to bid for a Georgian dressing table.她决定参与一个乔治王朝时期风格梳妆台的竞价。The firm decided to bid on the guidance system.该公司决定投标导航系统。San Diego is asking private companies to bid against city workers to run one of the city's three water treatment plants.圣迭戈要求私人公司投标,与市政人员争夺该市三大污水处理厂之一的经营权。Before you decide how to bid, you need to evaluate how strong the hand of cards you are holding is. 在叫牌前,你需要估计一下手里这套牌的好坏。Foreign oil companies were invited to bid for the right to explore for natural gas.外国石油公司被邀请投标争取勘探天然气的权利。The thrill of the chase at an auction can sometimes cause people to bid more than they can afford.拍卖会上争相竞价的刺激有时会使人们开出高于他们能支付的价格。




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