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词汇 bidding
例句 The bidding was very slow at first.开始时出价的人很少。Servants were required to do the mistress's bidding without question.人必须对女主人唯命是从。At his bidding, the delegates rose and sang the national anthem.应他的要求,代表们起立唱国歌。She is very clever at getting men to do her bidding!她很善于让男人听她的吩咐!We joined the club at his bidding.我们在他邀请下参加了这个俱乐部。I only invited the boy on holiday at your bidding.我是按你的吩咐才请孩子来度假的。Several local companies are bidding for the same job.几家当地公司投标,争做同一项工作。He was bidding to discredit his opponent.他正企图搞臭对手。Whatever he did he did at the bidding of his father.他无论干什么总听他父亲的。The share price will be determined by bidding from institutional investors.股票价格将由公共机构的出价决定。The company was successful in bidding for the exclusive rights to the Nationwide Football League.该公司成功竞得了英格兰足球联赛的独家赞助权。Fake bidding and other funny business occurred during the auction.拍卖中出现了虚假出价和其他造假行为。He attended law school at his father's bidding. 他遵从父亲的意愿上了法学院。L'Oreal wins bidding war for Maybelline.欧莱雅公司竞购美宝莲公司获得成功。As a slave he was required to do his master's bidding without question.身为奴隶,他必须无条件服从奴隶主。At my grandmother's bidding, I wore my best dress.按照祖母的要求,我穿上了最漂亮的衣服。The two men ended up bidding against each other at the auction.那两个人最终在拍卖会上互相较劲。Hollywood is bidding for her, and she is turning them down.好莱坞在争取她,而她却予以拒绝。A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract.一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。He was at the beck and call of powerful interest groups and was always willing to do their bidding.他听命于强大的利益集团,总是愿意按他们的吩咐做事。Most of the bidding was done by phone.大部分出价是通过电话进行的。I wanted to buy the house but Mr. Smith is bidding against me.我想买这所房子,可是史密斯先生出更高的价钱和我竞争。The party is bidding to seize power.这个党在企图夺取政权。Competition between the two companies bidding for the contract is fierce.两家公司间投标争取这项合同的竞争很激烈。China was the early favourite to win the bidding.开始时,中国是最有希望赢得本次投标的国家。Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports.据传新加坡航空公司正在力争签下两家机场的经营权。I don't think she is bidding to be Prime Minister again.我想她不会再次竞选首相。In this course, we will cover the basics of Contract Bridge, including bidding, playing, and scorekeeping.在这一节课中,我们将涉及桥牌的基本知识,包括叫牌、打牌和记分。The bidding was brisk and sales went well.买家踊跃出价,销售形势不错。All our major competitors are also bidding for the contract.我们的主要竞争对手也参与这份合同的竞标。They have been barred from primary bidding for clients.他们被禁止对客户进行最初的投标。We expect to see heavy bidding on this item. 我们预计会有很多人竞买这件物品。




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