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词汇 to admit
例句 It's better to admit it openly.最好坦率地承认这件事。Doctors themselves are the first to admit the treatment has side effects.医生自己最先承认这种治疗方法有副作用。She's a talented actress, you've got to admit.你必须得承认,她是一个有才华的演员。I'm ashamed to admit that I've never read any of his books.我真不好意思承认,我从来没读过他的书。He doesn't like to admit that he was wrong.他不愿承认是他错了。I have to admit that I have bad handwriting.我不得不承认我的字写得很难看。After the interviews we had to admit there was nothing to choose between the two candidates.面试之后我们不得不承认,两名应聘者都很好,叫人难以取舍。They were not yet ready to admit foreign journalists because they couldn't identify who was really who.他们尚未准备好让外国新闻记者进入,因为他们搞不清各个记者的具体身份。I told him that he should be man enough to admit he had done wrong.我告诉他要有足够的勇气承认自己做得不对。She would be the first to admit that she is very difficult to work with.她会率先承认自己难以共事。She's a talented actress, you have to admit.你必须得承认,她是一个有才华的演员。He missed her more than he would allow himself to admit.他对她思念之深连他自己也不愿承认。When the newspaper refused to admit that the story was false, the actor filed/initiated a lawsuit against the publisher. 那位演员在报社拒绝承认其报道失实后提出了诉讼。People are often too embarrassed to admit that they have suffered from any form of mental illness.人们经常羞于承认自己患有任何一种精神疾病。She was ashamed to admit she was an alcoholic.她羞于承认自己酗酒。The judge decided to admit the evidence.法官决定采纳这个证据。His girlfriend is in denial, and refuses to admit that he will soon die.他的女友拒不接受事实,不肯相信他很快就要死了。As much as it pains me to admit it, she was right.她是对的,尽管承认这一点对我来说很痛苦。I thought I could fix the radio myself, but I had to admit defeat.本以为自己可以修好收音机,但是我不得不承认自己不行。I mustered the courage to admit my mistake.我鼓起勇气承认错误。I'd be ashamed to admit feeling jealous.我不好意思承认自己嫉妒。Julian's blunt words hurt her more than she was prepared to admit.朱利安一番唐突的话语大大地伤害了她,让她难以接受。Kemp shut his eyes to admit of no distraction.肯普闭上眼睛,以免分散注意力。Many young people are unwilling to admit that they are gay because they fear being ostracized.许多年轻人因担心受排斥而不愿承认自己是同性恋者。It took raw courage to admit she was wrong.她承认自己错了需要极大的勇气。You have to admit that you are in difficulties.你不得不承认自己身处困境。Are you man enough to admit that you've been lying?你有没有足够的勇气承认你一直在撒谎?He was embarrassed to admit the truth.他尴尬地承认了事实。The judge can decide whether to admit or exclude evidence.法官有权决定是否采纳证据。I'll be the first to admit when I've done something wrong.如果做错了事,我会是第一个承认错误的人。The judge exercised his discretion rightly to admit the evidence.法官正确地行使了决定权,接受了该项证据。Have the courage to admit your error.要有承认错误的勇气。The most important thing is not to admit defeat until you really have to.最重要的是不到万不得已绝不要认输。We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth.我们对最浅显的事实视而不见,拒绝承认真相。She had the decency to admit her error.她气量大,承认了自己的错误。She had the honesty to admit her mother was right.她老老实实地承认妈妈是对的。I'm ashamed to admit it, but I still don't know how to ride a bicycle. = I'm ashamed to say I still don't know how to ride a bicycle.真不好意思承认,但我现在确实还不会骑自行车。His conscience pricked him on to admit his crime to the police.他的良心驱使他向警方认罪。She had the guts to admit that she was wrong.她有认错的勇气。I'm ashamed to admit that I've never read any of her work.我很抱歉地承认我从未读过她的任何作品。




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