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词汇 bicycle
例句 A bicycle is often the best way to get around in the city.自行车常常是在市内出行的最佳方式。Each year they compete in a prominent statewide bicycle race.每年他们都要参加著名的全州自行车大赛。The boy's bicycle was his most prized possession.那男孩的自行车是他最珍爱的家当。Never again pull a stunt like riding a bicycle no hands.绝对不要玩命,表演像放手骑单车的特技。He hid the bicycle in the hawthorn hedge.他把自行车藏在山楂树篱中。His bicycle was in pieces in the garage.他的自行车在车库里还没有组装好。He painted the bicycle, and now it's as good as new.他把自行车刷了一下漆,现在车子就像新的一样。Jenny kept begging me for a new bicycle, and I finally gave in.珍妮不断地求我给她买辆新自行车,最后我只好让步。I had a spot of trouble putting the bicycle together.我组装这辆自行车时遇到点困难。The bicycle is an environment-friendly form of transport.自行车是一种环保的交通方式。The bicycle was crushed under the truck's tires.自行车被卡车车轮碾得变了形。The bicycle chain needs oiling.自行车链条需要加油了。He oiled his bicycle.他给脚踏车上了油。The bicycle looked a bit rusty, but it worked.这辆自行车看起来有点生锈,但能骑。Pete once bought the boys a bicycle cheap off the back of a lorry.彼得曾经以低价为男孩们买了一辆来路不明的自行车。His bicycle looks as though it's had it.他的自行车看上去已坏得没法收拾了。Bev coasted downhill on her bicycle.贝夫骑着自行车靠惯性滑下山坡。Her bicycle hit a bump in the road and threw her off.自行车撞上了路上的一个鼓包,她摔了下来。We turned the bicycle lights off to conserve the batteries.我们关掉了自行车车灯以节约电池。Always lock your bicycle to something secure.总要把自行车锁在牢固的物体上。The bike is the first mass-produced bicycle to have full front and rear suspension.这是首辆大规模生产的装有前后减震装置的自行车。The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain's most popular mode of transport.自行车称霸英国,成了最流行的出行方式。He upended the bicycle to fix its flat tire.他把自行车倒过来修补瘪了的车胎。The city inaugurated the clean-air campaign with a bicycle parade.该市举行了一次自行车队游行以示净化空气运动的开始。My little granddaughter caught her heel in the spokes of her bicycle — it was a very nasty wound.我小孙女的脚跟夹到自行车的轮辐里了,伤得很严重。It is a glaring anachronism to speak of Shakespeare as riding a bicycle.说莎士比亚骑自行车乃是把年代弄得大错特错了。Her broken bicycle lay in pieces by the side of the road.她的自行车倒在路边,已经散架了。I dismounted and began to push my bicycle up the hill.我下了自行车,开始推着上坡。A flat tyre put my bicycle out of commission.一只胎漏了气,我的自行车不能用了。I am not keen for him to have a bicycle.我并不十分希望他有辆自行车。She was knocked off her bicycle by an overhanging branch.她被一根垂下来的树枝撞下了自行车。Once you get the knack of riding a bicycle , you'll never lose it.你一旦掌握骑自行车的技巧,就再也不会忘掉。He wants a bicycle for his birthday.他想要辆自行车作为生日礼物。The bicycle belongs to Amy.这脚踏车是艾咪的。The exclusive means of transport on the island is the bicycle.岛上唯一的交通工具是自行车。We took a bicycle tour of Tuscany.我们骑自行车游览了托斯卡尼。She has her heart set on a new bicycle.她渴望得到一辆新自行车。He got a new bicycle for his birthday.他生日那天收到一辆新自行车。She tried to pedal her bicycle up the track.她试图蹬着自行车沿小路往上骑。The young man just bought a 10-speed bicycle.这个年轻人刚买了一辆十速自行车。




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