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词汇 wafted
例句 Spicy smells wafted through the air.空中飘来阵阵辛辣的气味。A delicious smell of freshly baked bread wafted across the lawn.草坪上飘过一股新出炉面包的香味。Cooking smells wafted up from downstairs.烧菜的气味从楼下飘了上来。A scent of honey wafted up from the hives.一股蜂蜜的香味从蜂房里飘上来。A breeze wafted the scent of roses towards our table.玫瑰的香味随风向我们的桌子飘过来。A gentle breeze wafted the scent of roses in through the open window.一阵微风将玫瑰的香味从敞开的窗子里送了进来。As we entered, the sense datum wafted to me was the horses were there.我们进去时,我的第一个直觉便是那几匹马在那儿。The aroma of freshly made pancakes wafted through the air.新鲜出炉的薄饼香味飘了过来。An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。The aroma of fresh baking wafted through the air.新鲜烤面包的香气在空中飘荡。The sound of music wafted softly into the yard from our neighbor's house.音乐声从我们邻居家轻轻地飘进了庭院。A scent of lemon and eucalyptus wafted up from the gardens.一股柠檬和桉树的芬芳从花园飘来。A breeze wafted the music across the lake.一阵微风将乐声传遍湖上。The cool night air wafted in through the open windows.凉爽的晚风从敞开的窗户飘了进来。Spicy smells wafted through the air.空气中弥漫着香料的味道。The sound of laughter wafted through the open window.笑声从敞开的窗户里传了出来。The scents and sounds of the May countryside were wafted to us in the spring sunshine.在春日的阳光中,五月乡村的鸟语花香向我们飘荡过来。The night air wafted gently over them.晚风轻轻地吹拂着他们。She was wafted by sleep into the land of dreams.睡眠将她迅速带入梦乡。The sound of a flute wafted down the stairs.长笛的声音飘到了楼下。The smell of chicken soup wafted up to my bedroom.鸡汤的香味飘进了我的卧室。Soft music wafted from a hidden stereo.柔和的音乐从暗藏式立体声系统中飘出来。A scent of lemon wafted up from the garden below.从下面的花园里飘来一阵柠檬香。Music from the party wafted out onto the terrace.露台上飘荡着晚会上播放的音乐。The gentle breeze wafted the sound of music to our ears.音乐声随着轻风传到我们耳中。




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