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例句 She's been able to add to her savings this year.她的存款今年得以增加。It remains lunacy to produce yet more coal to add to power stations' stockpiles.煤越产越多,而发电站的煤堆越来越高,这始终是愚蠢的行为。The next baby was bound to add to the family's expense but wouldn't break the bank.生下一胎势必增加家庭开支,但不至于倾家荡产。There will be live entertainment to add to the party atmosphere.将有现场娱乐节目增加聚会的气氛。Here's another doll to add to your collection.这儿又有一个玩具娃娃可以加入到你的收藏中。The police now have another name to add to their list of suspects.警方的嫌疑犯名单上现在又多了一个人。She is shopping for designer dresses to add to her wardrobe.她正在为她的衣柜添置品牌服装。Rain permeates through the ground to add to ground water levels.雨水渗入地下,提高了地下水水位。I didn't want to add to the confusion, so I stayed quiet.我不愿使混乱加剧,所以就不声不响。They dredged sand from the river to add to the eroding beach.他们从河底挖沙垒在受侵蚀的沙滩上。We're always looking around for new products to add to our list.我们总是在寻找新产品加入我们的目录中。He bought another rare coin to add to his collection.他又为自己的收藏购入了一枚珍稀硬币。They are looking for other Dixie highlights to add to their trip inventory.他们在寻找在美国南部各州中还有哪些胜地可以使他们的旅程内容更加丰富。




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