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词汇 biased
例句 They must persuade the judge that a particular juror is likely to be biased.他们必须说服法官相信有一名陪审员很可能怀有偏见。The judge was biased.法官偏袒一方。There can be little doubt that in this country the media is very biased.毫无疑问,这个国家的新闻媒体是很有偏见的。The majority of infants are biased towards being social rather than being antisocial.大多数婴儿的性格偏向于合群,而非不合群。Export policy has been biased towards overseas customers.出口政策偏向海外客户。No doubt I'm biased, but it was the most cruel, evil human face I ever set eyes on.我固然是有偏见的,但那是我所见到的最残忍、最邪恶的人。He is biased against women/minorities.他对女性/少数民族抱有偏见。She is too biased to write about the case objectively.她对这个事件偏见太深,没法客观地描写。Much of the information the clinics gave people was incomplete and biased in favour of educated middle-class clients.诊所提供的大多数信息都是不完整的,而且偏向优待受过教育的中产阶级客户。In Japan firms are biased towards growth rather than profits.在日本,公司偏重于发展,而不是一味追求利润。The newspaper admitted it was guilty of biased reporting.该报承认报道有失偏颇。The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle-class child of a small family from a good area.文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自好地段的中产阶级小家庭的孩子。The interviewer asked a lot of leading questions and was clearly biased.面试官问了很多诱导性问题,而且明显带有偏见。He seemed a bit biased against women in my opinion.我认为他好像对女性有点儿成见。Witnesses may forget details or may be biased.证人也许忘了细节或者可能持有偏见。We only lost the game because the referee was biased.我们输掉了比赛就是因为裁判员偏袒对手。The president excoriated the Western press for their biased views.这位总统痛斥西方新闻界充满偏见的观点。She claimed that judges were biased against women.她声称法官对妇女怀有偏见。You can't help being biased so you may as well be up front about it.你免不了会心存偏见,倒不如坦然承认。University funding was biased towards scientists.大学经费向科研人员倾斜。News coverage of the fighting was extremely biased.有关这场斗争的新闻报道极不公正。The system is so biased that many citizens simply do not register to vote.这体制倾向性太大,许多公民压根就不去登记投票。University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists.大学科研经费向科学家极大地倾斜。Of course I'm biased, but I thought my daughter's paintings were the best.我当然有偏见,但我还是认为我女儿的画是最好的。I think she's beautiful but then I'm biased since she's my daughter.我认为她很漂亮,不过毕竟她是我女儿,我对她有点儿偏袒。Roughly four-fifths of Sun readers believed the paper was biased against the Labour party.大约五分之四的《太阳报》读者认为该报对工党有偏见。The judges of the talent show were biased toward musical acts.新秀选拔的评委偏好音乐方面的表演。The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle class.文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自中产阶级家庭的孩子。University acceptance policies seem to be biased against minorities.大学录取政策似乎歧视少数族群。They believe that the media is biased against them.他们认为媒体对他们有偏见。The newspapers gave a very biased report of the meeting.报纸对会议的报道明显偏袒一方。Several factors could have biased the results of the study.可能有好几个因素影响了研究结果。Managers are naturally biased towards / toward projects showing a quick return.管理者自然对回报快的项目抱有偏爱。The newspapers biased their readers against the new government.报纸使得读者们对新政府产生偏见。The methods they employed were heavily biased in favour / favor of the rich.他们采用的方法非常偏袒有钱人。A lot of people think that most newspapers are biased towards one particular political party.许多人认为大多数报纸都偏袒某一政党。The newspapers are notably biased.报纸显然有所偏袒。Most newspapers are biased towards one political party or the other.大多数报纸都会偏向这个或那个政党。Fate was strongly biased against him.命运总是跟他过不去。He was biased against the plan from the beginning.他从一开始就对这个计划有偏见。




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