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词汇 time of the year
例句 At this time of the year, we should be thinking about the soldiers at the front line.每年在这个时候,我们应该想到在前线的兵士们。There isn't a lot of work at this time of the year.每年这个时候工作机会不多。Fresh fruit is unobtainable at certain times of the year.一年中有些时候买不到新鲜水果。There are more people buying at this time of the year so prices are high.这个季节购物的人比较多,所以价格高。She clocked up one of the fastest times of the year.她创造了当年最短用时之一。Hotels often inflate prices at particular times of the year.酒店经常在一年中的某些时候抬高价格。For many of us, the festive season can be one of the most stressful times of the year.对我们很多人来说,圣诞期间可能是一年中压力最大的时候。This really isn't the right time of the year to start working on the house.一年里的这个时候装修房子可真是不合适。She ran her second-best time of the year.她跑出了今年的第二好成绩。This is the flat time of the year for our business.这是我们一年中的业务淡季。Outside it was warm, peculiarly warm for this time of the year.外边很暖和,对于一年的这个时节来说有些反常。Watch out for big discounts and clearance sales at this time of the year.留意每年这时候的大减价和清仓大甩卖。Dutch students graduate at various times of the year.荷兰学生在一年中的不同时间毕业。Ice on the road is a major hazard at this time of the year.道路结冰是每年这个时候主要的危害。What's the best time of the year for pruning apple trees?一年中什么时候修剪苹果树最好?Restaurant managers often employ temporary staff at busy times of the year.餐馆经理常在一年中最忙的时候雇用临时工。I love the spring – it's a wonderful time of the year.我喜欢春季 — 这是一年里最美妙的时间。There's no way to cross the mountains, leastways at this time of the year.没有办法穿越群山,至少在一年中的这个时候是不行的 。For people living alone, Christmas is often the worst time of the year.对于独居者来说,圣诞节常常是一年中最难熬的日子。This time of the year is always quiet. It gets busy again after winter.每年这时候总是很清静,冬天一过又会热闹起来。Rivers are liable to overflow at this time of the year.每年的这个时候河流都容易泛滥。




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