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例句 The explosion ripped though her home.爆炸顷刻间毁了她的家。"I'm not a very good cook, though." "Yes, you are - you make wonderful food!"“不过我不是一个很好的厨师。”“不,你是,你做的东西非常好吃!”It looks as though an agreement has now been reached.看来现在似乎达成了协议。The wording of the two documents differs, though only slightly.这两份文件的措辞有所不同,不过差别很小。Hostilities were officially ended though the war was not yet officially over.尽管战争状态尚未正式结束,但战斗已正式停止。I began to hate her, though it isn't in my nature to hate.我生来从不恨别人,但对她我却开始产生憎恨。He played well, though his team lost.他打得很好,不过他们队输了。Opportunities for men and women, though especially the latter, are limited to employment in agriculture or domestic service.男女的就业机会,尤其是后者,局限于农业或家务方面。I agreed to let him join us, even though it was against my better judgment. 虽然我认为这样做不妥,但我还是同意让他参与进来。It feels as though I have been given a passing glimpse into how human minds solve these problems.我感觉自己好像一瞬间瞥见了人类大脑是如何解决这些问题的。He burst into a high-pitched laugh, as though he'd said something funny.他突然放声大笑,好像讲了什么好笑的事似的。Even though she's a model, she's very insecure about how she looks.即使她当上了模特儿,她对自己的容貌仍很不自信。Barbara and her mother like to go to concerts together, though their tastes don't harmonize.尽管巴巴拉和她母亲品味不一致,她们还是喜欢一起去听音乐会。He borrowed my mower, even though I told him not to.他借走了我的割草机,虽然我叫他不要借。 It's the same sentiment, though worded rather differently.还是同样的观点,只是措辞稍有不同。Smokers often feel as though they are being treated as social outcasts.吸烟者常常觉得自己是被社会排斥的一群人。He looks as though he may snap at any minute.他看起来随时都可能崩溃掉。By supercar standards, though, it is not extravagantly priced for a beautifully engineered machine.然而以豪华跑车的标准看,设计如此精美的汽车价格并不算太高。He tired easily, though he was unable to sleep well at night.他很容易疲倦,可夜里却睡不好觉。I feel as though my whole future is riding on this interview.我觉得似乎我的整个前途取决于这次面试。Although she had to have her leg amputated, she still feels as though she's got a phantom limb.尽管不得已把一条腿截去了,但她仍觉得自己仿佛有条虚幻的腿。All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.尽管真凶尚未查出,所有参与斗殴的男子均被驱逐出境。This has led to financial losses, though admittedly on a fairly small scale.这已造成了经济损失,尽管损失确实比较小。He has cars and trucks, and even though the former are easier to drive, the latter are more useful.他有轿车和卡车,虽然前者比较好开,可后者更实用。He spoke as though he wanted to close the conversation.他说话的语气像是要结束谈话似的。Bob's hellbent on going through with the plan, even though it's sure to end in disaster.尽管知道这个计划将以彻底失败告终,鲍勃还是一意孤行要完成它。The colour palette, though brave, was jarring, simply too hot for comfort.调色板虽然五颜六色,但是色彩太浓烈、不够协调,看着不舒服。Even though I disagree with you, I appreciate the sentiments that prompt you to speak out.虽然我的看法和你不同,但我很理解你的想法。I enjoyed the film even though it made me feel sad.我很喜欢这部影片,虽然看了之后我很难过。All flowing water, though it appears to be uniform, is actually divided into extensive inner surfaces, or layers, moving against one another.所有流动的水体虽然从表面看来都是浑然一体,但实际上其内部分成许多广延的面,或者说层,彼此逆向运动。He kept coughing as though he would cough his life away.他不停地咳着,像是要咳死为止。His insult, though unwitting, pained her.他的侮辱,尽管不是出于故意,却使她很痛苦。The girl was well dressed, as usual, though in a more conservative style.和平时一样,这个女孩衣着讲究,只是风格更为传统。Even though it was dark, she could tell it was him.尽管光线很暗,她还是能认出那是他。The children in the picture look delicate and otherworldly, as though they had never run or played.照片上的孩子们看起来娇嫩纤弱、超凡脱俗,似乎从不乱跑乱叫。He was playing as though he was in a charity match, not the World Cup final.他表现得像是在踢慈善义赛而不是世界杯决赛。Lucille's home was very grandly called a chateau, though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm.露西尔的家美其名曰城堡,事实上不过是一座壕沟环绕的大农场。Rusty nodded as though she understood the old woman.拉斯蒂点点头,好像听懂了那位老妇人的话似的。She and I are good friends even though we're polar opposites.她和我是好朋友,尽管我们截然不同。He insists it's not too late for United to win the cup, though he admits it will be an uphill struggle.他坚持认为联队还有机会赢得奖杯,不过他承认这会是场艰苦的比赛。




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