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词汇 人很少
例句 There are very few people on the streets today.今天街上人很少Skilled workers are few, and employers are having trouble filling vacancies.熟练的工人很少,雇主要人填补空缺甚为困难。The concert was a good one, but because of bad publicity, very few people came.这是一场很出色的音乐会,但因广告做得差劲,到场的人很少Dark-skinned people rarely develop skin cancer.黑皮肤的人很少得皮肤癌。Few people who aspire to fame ever achieve it.追求显达名声的人很少能如愿以偿。Attendance at the meetings has been very poor.出席会议的人很少In fact, people who sell cell phones for a living are rarely cell phone fanboys.事实上,以出售手机谋生的人很少自己就是手机迷。Few people turned out to vote.出来投票的人很少These people had little regard for the environment.这些人很少考虑环境问题。The bidding was very slow at first.开始时出价的人很少Few people turned out for the election.出来参加选举活动的人很少




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