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词汇 thick
例句 The steel doors are four inches thick.这些钢门有四英寸厚。They were friends through thick and thin.他们是同甘共苦的朋友。The dog's shaggy coat was thick and soft.那条狗乱蓬蓬的皮毛厚实柔软。A thick haze of acrid smoke hung in the air.空气中弥漫着刺鼻的浓烟。He was often ridiculed by his schoolmates because he wore thick spectacles.他因为戴了深度眼镜常受到同学们的戏弄。He was very thick with his pastor.他和牧师关系很好。A thick layer of fat builds up on the pan's surface.锅底积了厚厚一层油。The light could not penetrate through the thick curtains.光线被厚厚的窗帘挡住了。The beach was thick with people.海滩上挤满了人。Then the pigeons flew into thick fog, and the famous homing instinct failed.然后鸽子飞进了浓雾中,其闻名的归巢本能丧失了。The tarnish lay thick on the inside of the ring.戒指内侧有一层厚厚的锈斑。He wore thick glasses. 他戴了一副镜片很厚的眼镜。His thick fingers were not well suited to the task.他手指粗,不太适合做这项工作。His head was rather thick yesterday.昨天他脑子稀里糊涂。She was afraid that thick pillows and blankets could suffocate the baby.她担心厚枕头和毯子会让婴儿窒息。The volcano was fuming thick black smoke.火山正在冒出浓浓的黑烟。She wears glasses with very thick lenses.她戴的眼镜镜片很厚。The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as we waited for the results.我们满怀期待地等待着结果。The dust was so thick, he could see only the tumbling cloud, silvered by the moon.当时灰尘那么厚,他只能看见滚滚云朵,月光下一片银灰。She'd stuck by Bob through thick and thin.她会与鲍勃患难与共。The barber thinned out my thick hair.理发师把我浓密的头发削薄了一些。The bread was thick with butter.面包上涂着厚厚的黄油。The silicon chips are less than a millimeter thick.这些矽片厚度不足一毫米。He was always in the thick of the action.他总是忙得不可开交。Is the ice thick enough to walk on?冰层是否厚到可以在上面行走?The sky darkened as thick smoke billowed from the blazing oil well.燃烧的油井冒出滚滚浓烟,天都黑了。He has a heavy/thick southern accent.他有很重的南方口音。The thick brushstrokes give the painting a tactile quality.粗犷的笔法给予了这幅画可触般的质感She had thick reddish hair piled up on top of her head.她将自己浓密的淡淡红发盘在头顶。He was ruggedly handsome, with a thatch of thick brown hair.他粗犷而英俊,披一头浓密的棕发。He's a very skilled football player but he's as thick as two short planks.他是个技术很好的足球运动员,但是他这人是笨到了极点。The air was thick with cigarette smoke.空气中充满香烟的烟雾。His trousers were plastered with thick yellow mud.他的裤子沾着厚厚的黄泥。Ann twisted some daisies through Katherine's thick brown hair.安把几朵雏菊缠绕在凯瑟琳浓密的棕色头发上。We hacked our way through the thick jungle.我们在茂密的森林中辟出了一条道路。Boil the meat juices down to make a thick sauce.把肉汁熬成稠酱汁。A thick, woolen rug covers the floor behind the desk.一块厚羊毛小地毯铺在写字台后面的地板上。You do need to be thick-skinned to survive as a politician here.在这里,政客要想干下去就必须脸皮厚点儿。A reinforced concrete dome, two metres thick, protects the radioactive core of the nuclear reactor.一个两米厚的钢筋混凝土圆顶保护着核反应堆的放射性活性区。He threatened to give him a thick ear. 他威胁要给他一记耳光。




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